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Computer games

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Computer games 


Computer games have become a part of our daily life ( Yanev, 2019; Carras et al., 2017).  With increased advancement in technology, almost all people in the world today irrespective of age have once in their lives played computer games. Gaming is no longer a thing that was once considered an activity of young people. According to Lowe and Hoggins, 2019, among 10 Britons between the ages 55 to 64 have, more than four have played computer games in the last five years since 2019. Similarly, more than 60 percent of Americans play videogames, and there are over 2.5 billion gamers in the world (Yanev, 2019). This shows that almost all market segments have been affected by the computer games industry, and only a few market segments have a less developed computer games market. In this report, we are going to explore the medical field, focusing on game therapy as a possible profitable, less explored computer games market segment.

Understanding strategic marketing

According to Yanev, 2019, the computer games market is expected to produce 180.1 billion in revenue by the year 2021. This is a sum exceeding both the music and movies industry put together (Stewart, 2019), proving the computer games market as a market worth investing in provided enough market research is done. China and the United States generate 41 percent and 32 percent of the revenue from the video games market, respectively (, 2019). This implies that the United States and China have the most significant number of computer games players, and should be considered as the best market for investment irrelevant of the current stiff competition. In 2018 alone, the computer games market generated over 150 billion dollars, with console and PC gaming producing only 22 percent and 19 percent of the sum. The mobile games produce a total of 59 percent of the revenue ( Stewart, 2019), implying the superiority of mobile gaming to both console and PC gaming, with the United States having the largest shares of mobile game sessions followed by India (, 2019). The significance of mobile games in the industry should clearly be considered when planning on investing in the computer games market since there is a consistent increase in mobile users in the world today. However, the mobile games industry is accosted by many challenges, the major challenges including; very stiff competition, high UA costs, high marketing costs, piracy, high development costs, free content demanded by consumers, and Ad fraud among others. Statistics have shown that casual games are the most popular Android games played worldwide followed by puzzle games. In the United States, puzzle, card games, game shows, and board games are the most played games. This finding helps you know which kind of game to invest in so as to get a large market base and increase sales. Similarly, it was also found out that free games are the most played and produce more revenue than the games requiring a purchase. In terms of numbers, free games provide 82 percent of the computer game revenue. For example, In 2017, League of Legends, a free game accumulated an income of 2.1 billion dollars (Yanev, 2019). Most of this revenue is raised through in-app purchases. It is, therefore, evident that gamers are more comfortable paying for additional content while playing the games than purchasing the whole game entirely. It should also be notated that currently most of the computer games purchases are in digital format. Game players are more willing to buy their games and additional data from the internet. There is also a growing culture among computer game players called electronic sport and online video game streaming which involves online competition among professional gamers. Electronic sport has become extremely popular and is estimated to reach a revenue of 1.49 billion dollars in 2020 (, 2019). Similarly, online video game streaming has dramatically developed; video game players watch and broadcast their video gameplay on online sites like Twitch. Twitch currently has millions of subscribers and contributes a significant percentage on the video games annual revenue.

 On the study of the market segments in the computer games industry, you find that almost all the markets are occupied and have stiff competition. However, in the psychological sector, we find the game therapy market unexplored, and with the current developments in the gaming industry, game therapy could be the new hot thing.

Game therapy is a new treatment still being explored which involves the use of computer games to treat or assist patients through their treatment (Noruzi, 2019). This kind of therapy appears effective across all age, gender, and can effectively be used by psychiatrists, business people, teachers and parents to help their patients, clients, students and children respectively. Game therapy can be used to enable game players to evaluate their life and adjust accordingly. Gamers, when playing games, usually get so involved with their main characters that one would not be surprised when a gamer extrapolates problem-solving techniques from their favourite games into daily life. The advantage of this therapy is that the patients can receive treatment easily since they always have the games at hand. It is also better since the patient under treatment usually enjoys the treatment, so co-operation is most likely to be high.


 Market and developing a strategic marketing plan

 With games being part of people’s lives today, and the industry being so profitable, I believe it is time for Concept Games Ltd also to get a share of the gaming industry cake. According to Proffitt et al. 2019, few occupational therapists work in the field of research and manufacture of new technologies. This deficit in market research could be the backbone of the company bases. With the companies resources, this can be changed. The company can employ occupational therapist professionals to research on more ways to better people’s health and lives through computer games, which information will be used in our search for new game ideas.

However currently, I propose the development of a game that would assist in the therapeutical treatment of people facing emotional challenges, that is to say, people who have lost loved ones, broken relationships or marriages, lost jobs, failed academically or in any other way. This game will help players pass through their emotional turmoil and at the same time, entertaining. Many many people in the world today are breaking out if marriages, losing jobs, and this provides significant emotional stress on these individuals irrespective of gender, age or occupation. For example, In 2018, the marriage to divorce racial was 2.2, meaning for every two marriages, there was one divorce (Schweizer, 2019). Currently close to 3 million divorces occur each year in the United States. Getting hurt is part and parcel of life, and therefore pooling all the number of people with emotional stress, there is a large potential market for a game which will help the players handle emotional stress.

We will create a casual game that will help the players either appreciate what they had or the benefit off losing whatever they lost, be it a relationship. The game will also help players notice their priorities in life. The game will be divided into segments according to what a player has specifically lost. There will be sections for those who have had failed marriages, jobs, lost loved ones and all other emotional problems. The game will allow players to think about ideas pertaining to their lives, and also related to the cause of their emotional turmoil. For example, a player from a failed marriage can note in the game that due to the divorce, the player can now focus more of his or her attention on the most important aspect of his or her life, like making money, studying and many others. Points will be awarded for positive outcomes the player notices he achieved from his or her problems. These points will be used to purchase investments in the game and also for advancement to other stages. Negative outcomes and noted, and the player will only earn points after stating a lesson he or she learnt from the outcome and how it helps the particular player make his or her life better. This will be not only interesting but also therapeutical.

Furthermore, the game will have an option for online games which will enable players of the same category in different areas to play against each other. These categories can also act as support groups for some people across the whole world. Not only will the company be earning through e-sport, but it will also be of emotional support to players. This game application will be accessed freely on platforms like Google play store and in-app purchases like buying points for advancing in the game, adverts, electronic sport and Twitch will be the primary source of revenue.

The game will be advertised through different media platforms, like video game magazines, medical journals and magazines, televisions, game playing and watching platforms like Twitch, Youtube adverts, social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The marketing department will also contact medical personnel’s like psychiatrists and hospital to consider the game a therapeutical option for the emotionally disturbed patients. Approval by the medical field will be a massive boost to the game. We will also provide prizes in the first months of the game to players who report high scores and improvement due to the game. The promise of a reward will entice more players to join the game irrelevant of their emotional status.


Considering the findings from the investigation, Concept company Ltd is more likely to make profits if it targeted mobile and PC game players in the world, but mostly in the United States, India, and China. This is because China, India and the United States are reported to have the highest number of computer game players. Since the computer game to be developed will focus on game therapy, there is hope for good profit returns, given that the computer game market less explores the game therapy market segment. With the appropriate marketing as specified in the report, Concept Company Ltd is sure to make huge profits in the computer games industry.


Stewart, S., 2019. Video game industry silently taking over the entertainment world.

Yanev, V., 2019. Video game demographics: Who plays games in 2020.

Carras, M. C., et al., 2017. Commercial video games as therapy: A new research agenda to unlock the potential on a global pastime.

Schweizer, V., 2019. Marriage to divorce ratio in the US: Demographic variation, 2018. National Center for Family and Marriage  Research.

Noruzi, A., 2019. Game therapy: Playing computer and mobile games for problem-solving. Retrieved from: http:// 27.pdf

Proffit, R. et al., 2019. Role of occupational therapy practitioners in Mass market technology research and development. DOI: 10.5014/ajot.2019.028167





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