Benefits and Challenges to the Project.
Teamwork is a virtue towards achieving great results. While accomplishing the project, teamwork power was a key factor. Several benefits emerged as a result of embracing collaboration. Firstly, teamwork helped bring together diverse strengths from the team members. Since some members were good at project planning, others brilliant in project coordination and creative thinking, each individual was assigned roles accordingly. Combining various strengths made sure each member uses their talents wisely for the greater good of the project.
Secondly, the project momentum was adequately increased by great teamwork. Having a committed team working on the project speeded up the required tasks. It is through the utilization of qualified skills from the members that enables fast and convenient performance (Badewi, 2016). One person would not handle such an amount of project work done by the team. Having the right people on the team facilitated the right attitudes towards the project workload. Lastly, teamwork enabled an easy task of finding solutions to the complex problems encountered. Wisdom from the team members was helpful in the identification of new ideas to counter the challenges. Engaging in essential teamwork, therefore, offers an opportunity to work with subject experts.
Without a doubt, adequate benefits encountered led to successful outcomes of the project tasks. The productivity of the project increased enormously. Appealing products were created in the Lear assembly line. Better and satisfying services were offered to customers. The project, therefore, met the needs of consumers. Due to the excellent impression from customers, the project was trusted to provide a secure future in the development of modular Lear products (Daniel, Graham & Doore, 2017). Consequently, the project gained a new perspective in the field of Lear development. The project had a chance to explore a new work culture that opened the project members to different ideas and skills.
Although the project attracted benefits, several challenges were faced. Identify the right project management software was the main problem. For proper implementation of the project, the right technology had to be used and finding it was quite tedious (Hoda & Murugesan, 2016). The technology to be employed had to fit the project budget; therefore, a cheaper and reliable software system was needed. A poorly designed management software would interfere with the progress of projects tasks hence creating a tough time to find the necessary tool that would meet the project needs.
Defining the project goals and objectives effectively was another challenge . The project had difficulties in identifying the appropriate targets to accomplish to satisfy the customers. Poorly defined goals would bring great danger to the project; thus, a well-structured plan had to be created. Both the team and the project managers had to come up with clearly defined goals. Each of them had to understand every aspect of the project to avoid confusion and chaos. Setting unrealistic deadlines also challenged the project (Hoda & Murugesan, 2016). Imposing a timeline on the project members was such an issue since most of them could not meet the targeted time. Many clients and stakeholders had set unrealistic expectations interfering with the project plan. The struggle towards unachievable targets resulted in desperate attempts from the project members hence ignoring the project requirements.
Challenges bring a massive danger on both the project objectives and invested resources. Similarly, problems experienced had an impact on the progress of the project. Often, the project would be mismanaged by individuals in charge. The project purpose would no longer be acknowledged since decisions were postponed and significant changes rejected. The projectability to provide a unique learning culture of new software declined. Also, problems created a bad image of the project. Once the project fails to meet expectations from customers, then it is seen as an irrelevant project.
Badewi, A. (2016). The impact of project management (PM) and benefits management (BM) practices on project success: Towards developing a project benefits governance framework. International Journal of Project Management, 34(4), 761-778.
Daniel, H., Graham, C., & Doore, B. (2017). Virtual Teamwork and Commitments Impact on Project Quality. International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), 13(4), 42-58.
Hoda, R., & Murugesan, L. K. (2016). Multi-level agile project management challenges: A self-organizing team perspective. Journal of Systems and Software, 117, 245-257.