Economic evaluation Conducting economic appraisal of public health interventions has been considered to have various challenges, and this paper expounds on some of the challenges. Despite the vast improvements in…

Hypertension Hypertension is defined as a condition in which the individual has high blood pressure. There are different reasons for hypertension. it is one of the lifestyle diseases. it can…

Don’t Blame the Eater David Zinczenko in his article “Don’t blame the eater’, argues that kids who eat in fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s and Pizza huts should not be blamed…

Antimicrobial Resistance   Summary The issue of antimicrobial resistance has been a concern for most of the medical professionals, including nurses. These include both students, practising nurses and other health…

Super Fruits in Skin Care Could super fruits be the solution for glowing skin? Since time past, many women have been on a quest to maintain youthful and glowing skin.…

Importance of Healthy Eating. Topic. Importance of healthy eating. Topic Brainstorm.                       Topic Outline.             While studying the dietary field,…

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