Happiness What is happiness? When one feels it, they know it. The term is often used to describe a range of positive emotions such as pride, gratitude, contentment, and joy.…

Foreo Luna 2 Facial Cleanser Me:                  How are you! My name is Rose, a sales officer. Welcome to our company, and thank you for visiting us. Customer:        I am…

Perception and Infographics Digital marketers use infographics to inform their clients about the products and services available on their websites. Infographics are a visual representation of data and information to…

Economic Fiscal policies Recession is an economic cycle of contraction when economic activities decline sharply. It is restored by the application of fiscal policies:  expansionary financial system, and contractionary economic policy.…

Health When you hear the word health, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Is it the health care systems? The hospitals? Your doctor? Your next visit? What…

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