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CBD oil for cats with arthritis: Does it help relief pain?

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CBD oil for cats with arthritis: Does it help relief pain?

Cats are considered to be one of the most playful closest friends to man. Although they are not aggressive like dogs, you can still see them pressing against you, purring happily. However, few people are aware that cats suffer from feline arthritis.

And a large percentage of people who know about arthritis in cats do not know how to treat the condition. The good thing, however, is that you can use CBD oil as a remedy for the condition. In order to understand what is feline arthritis and how CBD oil works towards suppression of the condition, here are quick pointers to this topic.

  • What is feline arthritis?
  • What are the symptoms of arthritis in cats?
  • What is the cure for arthritis in cats?
  • How does the ECS work in cats?
  • What is CBD oil in the treatment of arthritis in cats?
  • How Can I Identify the Right CBD Oil for my Arthritic Dog?
  • FAQs

What is feline arthritis?

Feline arthritis refers to a condition characterized by chronic pain and inflammation in the joints of the cat. The primary cause of arthritis in cats is wearing out of cartilages in the joints, which leaves the bones exposed and rubbing against each other. The wearing out of the cartilage adversely affects the lubrication in the joints. This results to excruciating pain, making it hard for the cat to move or play around.

Studies show that about 60% of cats aged above 6 years suffer from chronic pain in at least one joint. The study also found out that 80% of cats above the age of 14 years suffer from severe arthritis, which should worry you as a paws owner.

When a cat is exposed to trauma or physical injury, the chances of getting arthritis spike. The injury might affect the mental health of the cat, making it hard for the brain to release healing chemical properties.

Obesity and congenital deformities are other major causes of feline arthritis. When a cat is overweight, a lot of pressure is exerted to the joints, leading to chronic pain. On the other hand, congenital deformities especially on one or two limbs exerts pressure on the other limbs, leading to arthritis.

In other instances, infections from fungi and viruses might wear the cartilage off, leaving the cat at a high risk of developing arthritis.

Painfully, it is hard to detect arthritis in cats, unless it is overboard. Cats are naturally hardy, which partly makes it hard to diagnose any abnormality in breathing. Most of the people who see the paws limping assume that it is as a result of injuries. This leaves the cat staring at a bleak future as far as mobility is concerned.

What are the symptoms of arthritis in cats?

Most people detect feline arthritis at advanced stages, making it hard to suppress the condition. Some of the cats might even succumb to chronic pain. However, you should not overlook the following symptoms:

Loss of appetite

The chronic pain in cats affects their appetite, making eating hard. With time, the cat starts to lose appetite at a high rate. If you notice the abnormality in the eating habit of your cat, it is time to put it under medication.

Sleeping disorders

When a cat is suffering from arthritis, it is likely to get sleeping disorders. In most cases, the chronic pain on the joints might make it hard for the cat to sleep. However, if the chronic pain affects the joints, you might notice the cat sleeping most of the time. Although sleeping disorders are not an automatic qualification for feline arthritis, you should not overlook them.

Discomfort especially during petting

Cats are naturally friendly, and therefore their sudden irritability during petting should point to you towards probability of the cat being arthritic. The cat might turn out violent, or produce a growling sound when you try touching the joints.

What is the cure for arthritis in cats?

Sadly, feline arthritis is does not have a cure. The medications which vets use focus on reducing the severity of the symptoms. Vets prefer using corticosteroids and opioids due to their long term impact in suppressing chronic pain and inflammation. Other medications which can be used to suppress arthritic symptoms include Novox and Rimadyl.

Cats’ immunity can be classified as choosy when it comes to prescription. Some anti-inflammatory drugs might give the cat mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. In extreme cases, which are rare, the cat might have the kidneys, liver, and other delicate organs failing.

Vets recommend having the cat at the right weight before putting it under medication. When the cat is underweight, the side effects of prescription drugs might cause the cat to starve. Obese cats might gain more weight, which is lethal to heart functions. Some prescription drugs for arthritis might also cause the cat to age at an abnormally fast rate.

How does the ECS work in cats?

The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) refers to receptors, transmitters, specialized enzymes, and other features. The ECS is responsible for controlling vital body functions and features such as metabolism, allergic reaction, immunity, and chronic pain. The cats, just like other mammals, use the ECS to detect pain.

However, if the cat is arthritic, the nerve system becomes more delicate. Any slight touch to the affected joint results to extreme pain.

What is CBD oil in the treatment of arthritis in cats?

CBD oil is gaining a lot of popularity in treatment of chronic pain in cats. Vets prefer CBD oil over prescription drugs in treatment of chronic pain due to the following reasons:

Suppression of inflammation

Research is still underway to find out how taking CBD oil affects the ECS. However, they believe that the CBD properties stimulate the cannabinoid receptors (CRs) in the ECS. As a result, the anti-inflammatory responses are triggered.

The CRs (CB1 and CB2) bind indirectly with the CBD to give anti-inflammatory features which are vital for the overall wellbeing of arthritic cats. Several studies have shown that taking CBD is vital in the suppression of inflammation. Besides, the CBD reduced degeneration of cartilages, which suppresses the condition further.

Inflammation and swelling, which are common in arthritic cats are mitigated after an intake of CBD oil.

Mitigation of chronic pain

Taking CBD oil suppresses neuropathic and physical pain which is vital in cats suffering from arthritis. Partly, this is due to the non-psychotic properties which calms the mind and makes the neurotic elements in the ECS to delay pain signals to the brain.

Prescription drugs for pain management might damage the nerve system, which might leave the cat without sense to touch. Other drugs might also cause the cat to become hyper or develop a resistance to medication. It is therefore advisable to infuse CBD oil in any pain-management drug to suppress any side effects.

Reduced rate of medication

Some prescription drugs are narcotic, which leaves the cat hooked. However, infusing CBD oil into prescription drugs increases their effectiveness. The dosage administered to the cat also reduces significantly and with time the CBD oil might be enough.

Improved mobility

A cat, just like humans, enjoying moving from one place to another. However, when arthritis comes knocking, they are left helpless. However, as a caring master, you should give the arthritic cat another chance to jump as high as it can, giving it CBD-infused prescription drugs. You can also administer the CBD oil directly, as a tincture or topical.

When the CBD is administered to the dog, the rate of degeneration of tissues goes down. Similarly, the chronic pain and inflammation are also suppressed at a high rate, making the cat comfortable. With the cartilages developing again, albeit slowly, the cat becomes active again. In addition, CBD oil is more affordable and reliable therapy for joints.

How Can I Identify the Right CBD Oil for my Arthritic Dog?

Before you dish out money to get CBD oil for your paws, it is prudent to carry out diligence. Some of the things to give attention to when buying CBD oil for suppression of arthritis in cats include:

1.      CBD constituent

CBD oil can be classified into two: isolate and full-spectrum. Isolate CBD contains 99% of CBD and 1% other cannabinoids. On the other hand, full spectrum contains a combination of CBD and other non-psychotic cannabinoids and terpenes.

The cannabinoids and terpenes give the CBD oil an “entourage effect”, a condition which is famous for its healing properties. Apparently, full-spectrum CBD oil is the best choice for treatment of arthritis in cats due to the entourage effect.

2.      Specialized for cats

CBD oils are manufactured differently, each with a target group. For instance, CBD oil for humans might be flavored to make it sweet to the tongue. However, using the flavors on CBD oil for cats could be lethal since cats have a different ECS from that of humans.

It is advisable to read the label of the bottle or consult with a vet before buying CBD oil for your arthritic cat.

3.      Wellbeing of cats

Due to poor regulation on CBD oil production, unscrupulous dealers are flooding the market with counterfeit products. However, there are still authentic dealers of CBD oil for cats with arthritis. You can identify them from their charity undertakings towards the wellbeing of cats.

A seller or manufacturer committed to seeing healthy cats will go above and beyond expectations of buyers. Such a dealer will give tips such as the best diet for arthritic cats and follow up on the healing progress. As a strong adherent to wellness of cats, it would be prudent to buy CBD oil from like-minded businesses.

4.      Sourced organically

You should not overlook the source of hemp from which the CBD oil is extracted. Hemp which is grown organically contains high cannabinoids and terpenes. The oil extracted from such a hemp would be a good source of therapeutic properties for cats with arthritis.

You can search about the manufacturer of that particular CBD oil. When you identify the manufacturer, it becomes easy to locate whether it sources its hemp from. No matter how affordable a CBD oil is, as long as the hemp is grown artificially, you should not buy it. Similarly, if other chemicals are added to the oil during its extraction, it would be wise to go for better alternatives.

5.      Tested by reputable lab

It is a legal requirement that CBD oils undergo testing before they are availed to the market. The oils must meet the minimum safety standards. When buying CBD oil for your cat suffering from arthritis, ensure that you get a copy of its lab results.

Some manufacturers and sellers might tamper with test results, especially if the oil did not meet minimum health standards. To avoid falling victim, you should buy from authentic sellers. Alternatively, you should use the copy of the lab results and compare it with the information on government lab portal.


Is CBD oil for cats illegal?

Following the Farm Bill of 2018, CBD products extracted from hemp were classified legal at the federal level. However, some states still hold divergent views. You should take time to research on your state’s laws about using CBD products.

How should I administer CBD to my cat?

There are various ways in which you can administer CBD to your cats. First, you can administer the CBD oil as a tincture. Second, you can apply the oil to the affected joint for better results. Alternatively, you can pour a few drops of the oil in the food. The method of administering the oil to the cat depends on the severity of the pain and the area affected.

Does CBD oil has side effects?

Each cat is different, which brings the issue of side effects in the picture. The common side effects include excess sleeping, stomach upsets, and dizziness. The side effects can stay for days or a few weeks.

How long does the CBD oil take before the healing properties manifest?

The entourage effect in CBD takes an average of 20 minutes before it manifests. However, some cats might take a longer period.

The sudden surge in demand for CBD oil for treatment of arthritis in cats has forced researchers back to the labs.

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