Communication competence
Communication competence is one of the critical factors that help the study of human communication to be well understood to many. When one has the communication competence, it helps him to her to be in a better position to understand what is being communicated, thus being in a better place to express him or herself better and in a more understandable way. Communication is the essential element of everything we do. Nothing can be possible without notification, so communication competence is the way for a better flow of things. To prove the notion of communicative competence has been even extended in different forms where we can also use gestures and signs or even symbols to reach specific information to the intended parties.
A reality book by Jane S. Halonen et al. 2008, by the title, Human Adjustments, gives communication competence a way of engaging critical thinking and common sense like the necessary beginning of communication. For a communication to be competent as per the book, one has to have a good skill in practical problem solving, recognition of pattern, problem-solving that is creative, that one that involves perspective taking, scientific problem solving as well as psychological reasoning. The book emphasizes that will all this then one is assured of personal growth and self-assessment together with critical thinking helps one communicate in a way that is easily understood, thus successful communication.
Human communication can also be in a way that is not competent, a conversation that lacks basic common sense and critical thinking in most cases never gives a clear communication. There is communication incompetence. Lack of common sense in any communication makes the whole process lack importance as it doesn’t have the courtesy of communication hence being even rude in most environments.