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Comparison and contrast between rich and poor lifestyles.

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Comparison and contrast between rich and poor lifestyles.

Richness and poverty is measured in terms of socioeconomic metrics, income, and assets owned by an individual. Rich and poor lifestyle differ in various aspects such as access to basic need, priorities, and choices. Rich people can easily get basic necessities like food, water, and clothing while the poor struggle to get these items. Children born in rich families get access to the best education, healthcare, and all basic needs of human beings. Kids born in a poor family lack enough food, clothing, and can only afford low-quality schools. The rich and poor also have different views and insights. However, rich and poor lifestyles are similar in that they both receive government welfare, and they are both systematic and generational.

Contrast between rich and poor lifestyles.

            Rich and poor lifestyles contrast in various aspects like access to basic necessities, priorities, and insights. Rich and poor people differ in their free choice of various circumstances, perception of comfortability, sense of accomplishment, and superiority in relation to the immediate environment. The rich can afford quality education, nutritious food, clean water, and other basic human necessities. Poor people, on the other hand, have to struggle hard to feed their families and cater for other fundamental needs (Cribb et al., 41). Rich people have higher incomes and they do not worry about how they spend their money. The rich can afford nice cars, houses, clothes, and luxurious while the poor cannot afford such luxury because they earn little to no income.

Children born in rich families also differ with children born in poverty. Children from rich families go to good schools, have proper diet, expensive gifts, nice clothes, and luxurious lifestyle. On contrast, children from poor families do not have enough food, decent clothes, and quality education. Some do not get a chance to go to school because their parents cannot afford tuition fees. Others have to drop out of school to make a living and help their parents pay some bills. Children raised in a poor family is at greater risk of malnutrition, contracting disease, and being harmed physically. On the other hand, the rich have security measures for their kids, health insurance, and proper dieting. However, research shows that children living in financially stable households have more mental and emotional problems compared to children living in poverty.

Rich and poor lifestyles also differ in terms of choices and options available in various life circumstances. A rich people can drive a car of his choice, go to vacation anywhere he desires, and obtain any item or service he needs. On the contrary, poor people have few to no choices because of economic constrains and social status (Cribb et al., 47). Poor people operate within strict budgets in order to at least meet all basic human necessities. Rich and poor people different priorities and point of focus. The poor prioritize feeding their families, educating their children, and saving for their future. Rich people focus on maximizing their finances, improving their health, and developing relationships.

The rich and the poor are also perceived differently by the society. The rich are viewed as noble people who have acquired their wealth through hard work and discipline. In contrast, poor people are portrayed as lazy and responsible for their poverty (Ignant). The society also blames the poor for crime and abominable decisions. The rich on the contrary, are perceived to be good decision makers and law-abiding; thus, they are not blamed for crimes. The poor face setbacks, failures, and difficulties due to societal imbalance and they are blamed for not working hard enough to acquire wealth. The rich are viewed as hard working individuals who overcome all barriers to become wealthy.

Comparison between rich and poor lifestyles

The rich and poor are both social structures that are systematic and serve a certain purpose and function. Wealthy or poverty can be viewed as a means to acquire basic human necessities and dignity. Both rich and poor people take advantage of the system utility. They both try to master the system and employ more strategies to solidify their stake. Both parties also have a positive expectations in life and try to continuously make their lives better. The wealthy and the poor are both generational and hand down strategies and skills to their offspring. For instance, the wealthy people teach their children how to maintain family businesses while the poor parents can teach their children how to negotiate with utility providers in order to pay less amount on some bills.

Both the rich and poor worry about various life issued like financial status, health, and general well-being. The rich continuously seek to increase their wealth and improve their health and the poor worry about providing basic needs for their families (Ignant). Both parties are always lacking something in life. The poor lack enough resources to fulfill their needs while the rich may lack enough time and love and affection from their loved ones.  However, the rich and the poor both have happiness in their lives. The happiness is however, drawn from different reasons and circumstances. The society should strive to reduce the gap between the rich and poor people in the community.


Works Cited

Cribb, Jonathan, Agnes Norris Keiller, and Tom Waters. Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2018. No. R145. IFS Report, 2018.

Ignant, Intellectual. 5 Things That Poverty & Wealth Have in Common. Ebony 22 July, 2014




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