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Over the years, several cases of concussions in the world of sports have recorded in different parts of the world. High profile participants of various categories of sports have been forced to quit their sports careers due to their extreme cases of concussions. Scientists and researchers have given of their best studies about the condition, and more studies are still being conducted. Sports’ medics and other health officials have also created awareness and informed the general public about the situation and how it occurs. A study conducted by a professor of sports science from North Carolina University indicates that many young people are scared to join various sports because they are afraid of suffering concussions during their course of services. It is, therefore, essential to educate American citizens on the main factors about concussions, which include; what exactly concussions are and how they affect people, how concussions happen in sports, and what strategies are outlined by the United States to prevent concussions in sports.
Understanding a broader knowledge of concussions and how it happens. Concussions are a distressing and chilling injury that results from a substantial blow or collision on the head or a hit to someone’s body that makes the brain to relax back and forth at a speed that surpasses the normal one (Asseline, pg.4). Concussion causes disruptions of the eyesight and adjustments and loss of consciousness due to the involvement of the brain stem. Concussions are common in all sports but differ in denseness that depends on the roughness of the sport or game. Identification of a concussion is one of the significant challenges that professional medics have to go through due to varying signs and symptoms of the condition. Ironically, the signs and symptoms of concussion can sometimes even fail to showcase, and the individual might be mistaken for being normal when actually they are suffering concussion injury. A concussion can cause short-term or long-term cases of unconsciousness. In the same manner, its signs and symptoms may persist or disappear after a while and showcase again in the future with severe perceptible and dramatic behaviors. Some cases of concussions might be so severe that the victim can remain unconscious for as long as they live.
The occurrence of concussions in sports. Concussions are most commonly experienced in sports like hockey, football, rugby, and handball; amongst others, concussions that occur in sports are always identified with symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, lack of concentration, and headache (Asseline, pg. 16). In some cases of sports-concussions, victims admit not feeling any symptoms or effects of the same just after a few days of the occurrence, while others can have persistent of the signs that might end up becoming a part of them. In cases where and individual-experiences constant reoccurrence of concussions, they may suffer secondary symptoms of the condition that may result in psychological trauma. Every parent or anyone closer to a sportsperson should help them seek an appropriate evaluation of concussion any time it occurs as it will prevent extreme cases of the consequences of concussion.
What the United States can do to prevent concussions from contact sports. Concussions are caused by a blow on the head or a hit in the body. It is therefore appropriate that the players should be equipped with prevention gears such as helmet and that is effective in keeping the head safe and preventing any penetrations or minimize the injury caused (Ventresca, and McDonald, pg. 26) The magnitude of concussion injuries is determined by the level of damage that occurs. The United States should also ensure that every player, especially hockey players, have a face-guard of a shield every time they are playing. Face-guard covers and protects the face from any unnecessary is typically made with a metal hence works more effectively. Every player should also have the responsibility of keeping himself and other players safe from any cases of concussions that could have been avoided.
In conclusion, concussions are clearly accidental situations that can happen at any time without anyone planning for them. It is, therefore, crucial for every person to get to know about concussions, how they occur in sports and strategies of the United States to preventing its occurrence in sports. Consequently, it is vital to have sport rules that condemn immoral behaviors in sports that could lead to cases of concussions. It is also essential for every player to understand that their safeness begins with themselves, and they should, therefore, behave appropriately to avoid concussions. The government of the United States should also donate adequate sport protective gear to sports officials so that every player will get to have protective equipment to help lessen the cases of concussions.
Work Cited
Asselin, Kristine Carlson. Concussions. Capstone Press, A Capstone Imprint, 2016.
Ventresca, Matt, and Mary G McDonald. Sociocultural Examinations Of Sports Concussions. 2020.