Question 1
- A Connectionless communication service refers to a data communication that occurs between two nodes where the sender who is sending the data sends the data regardless of whether the receiver is available to receive the data that is being sent. It works with protocols such as Internet Protocol, Internet Control Message Protocol, and User Diagram Protocol.
Connection-oriented communication refers to the transfer of data where a connection has to be established before any form of communication has to be started. Once the communication is established, the message is sent, and then the connection is released.
- A client or a server model refers to how resources and services are provided to one or more clients, and all this is possible because the server that works with clients requests the connection in order to deliver the resources and the services.
- Data transfer rate refers to the measure in which data is transferred from one location, whether fast or slow. It is measured in bits per second.
- Server Technology refers to the specialized computers that use operating systems that are in a position to virtualize cloud-based servers to facilitate transfer and delivery of data.
- Define
- Circuit Switching refers to a connection-oriented switching technique where a dedicated route is made between the source and the destination and the message that is being passed through it. Circuit switching has the phases circuit establishment from the source to the destination, then data and voice transfer take place, and finally, circuit disconnection when the data transfer is completed or reaches a halt.
- Packet switching refers to the transfer of data across multiple digital networks through the breakdown of the data into packets or blocks that are easier and cost-efficient to transfer on a wide variety of network devices. Once the data is sent in packets, the network devices on the destination end receive and reassemble them for decoding.
- Self-learning switches refer to the routing techniques that the machine adapts to ensure data transfer is efficient.
- Static routing refers to the process of manually configuring the routes on a computer and have benefited, such as no extra processing and added resources, and no extra bandwidth is required. They are mainly configured from a significant network to a stub network.
Weighted routing refers to the routing that allows the association of various resources that point towards a single domain name. It also allows the management of traffic that is being sent.
Dynamic routing refers to a networking technique that works to provide maximum data routing. It allows the routers to select paths with regards to real-time logical network layout changes. This type of routing uses Routing Information Protocol and Open Shortest Path First.
- Describe
- Telnet refers to the network protocol that allows virtual access to a computer and, in the long run, provides a two-way platform that is collaborative and based on text. It follows the Internet Protocol.
- Tracert refers to the protocol that is a command-line utility that facilitates tracing of the path that an internet protocol packets hast taken towards its destination.
- Ipconfig refers to the network protocol that displays all the current transfer control protocols, internet protocols configuration values.
Addressing methods that are available for the allocation of IP addresses include:
- we have an immediate mode that works with an operand that Is in the instruction itself and carries an operand address rather than the address field.
Register mode has the operand stored in the register, and the register is part of the central processing unit. It has the address of the register where every operand is stored.
Register indirect mode refers to the mode where the instructions that the contents in them provide the address of the specific operand that is located in the memory. The register has the operand address rather than the operand itself.
The Autoincrement or decrement mode that works when the register is either incremented or decremented before the value it holds is used.
Direct addressing mode refers to the single memory to access data that involves no additional calculations to ensure a valid address of the operand.
Stack addressing mode works with the operand at the top of the stack, and in the case of an ADD function, the instruction will pop two items from the very stack, sum them up, and then PUSH the final result at the top of the stack.
- The parts are:
- Ethernet header this comprises of the preamble, the Standard frame delimiter, the destination, the source ant the type. The preamble is 7 bytes long, the Standard frame delimiter is one byte long, the destination mac address is 6bytes long, the source is 6bytes long, and the type field 2bytes long.
- Encapsulated data has the data and the pad. This has a limit of 46-1500bytes, and it cannot pack more or less than the minimum requirement.
- Ethernet trailer contains the Frame Check Sequence that is 4bytes long and typically stores a 4bytes value used to check whether the frame is intact or not.
- TCP refers to the transmission control protocol that’s a connection-oriented that allows computers to communicate over a network. At the same time, User Diagram Protocol is a connectionless protocol with functions like TCP but assumes the services of error checking and the recovery services instantiating that they are not required. TCP is reliable as it is guaranteed to be delivered to the receiver while UDP does not provide guaranteed delivery, and a datagram packet may be corrupt or even lost during transfer.
- Network challenges:
- Latency refers to the delay in the transfer as a result of instructions for the transfer.
- Data rates refer to the term that it is used to relate to the speed of transmission of data.
- Queueing delays refer to the sum of delays that are encountered by packets between network insertion time and delivery to the address in a packet-switched network.
- Packet loss refers to when one or more packets of data that are traveling across a computer network do not reach the intended destination.
- Physical threats refer to physical damage such as the destruction of computers while electronic threats point to threats such as network spoofing and poisoning.
- 10 BASE-T is the standard for Ethernet local networks with a transmission speed higher than the 10 Base.
- Congestion refers to the state in the network layer in the occurrence of the message traffic being so heavy that it results in the network response time being slow. End to end Congestion control addresses two functions that are how the senders react to congestion as signified by the packets that have been dropped, and how the sender can determine the available capacity for a flow at any particular time. When there is an occurrence of congestion, flows that detect it reduce their transmission, or otherwise, the network will remain in an unstable state with queues continuing to build up. In order to get to the optimal operating point, delays and loss rates must reduce that can only happen if the full flows react to congestion by decreasing their loss rates, and this follows the decrease algorithm.
Network-Based congestion control in data communication and networking and the queueing theory refers to the reduced quality of service that appears when a network link or node is ferrying more data than it can handle. It is corrected by the algorithms the leaky bucket algorithm that pools the packets, and the network interface transfers the packet at a constant rate.
- The terms:
- ESSID (Extended Service Set ID) – refers to an electronic marker or an identifier that serves as the identification and the address for the computer or network device to gain access to a wireless router or an access point and gain access to the internet.
- A Hotspot refers to a specific location that avails internet access through a wireless local area network.
- Wireless security technologies.
- WEP refers to the wireless equivalent privacy is a security protocol that is specified in the IEEE Wireless Fidelity Standards that provide the extensive local area network with security and privacy.
- WPA refers to wifi protected access that is a security protocol that was formulated to avail secure wifi networks. It is different from wep as it offers improvement with the method of handling security keys and user authorization.
- The terms :
- VPN refers to a virtual private network that is a programming that offers a safe, encrypted connection over an insecure network.
- DSL (Digital Subscriber line) refers to the technology that transports high bandwidth data over a simple telephone line that is linked to a modem providing internet access.
- VOIP refers to the Voice over Internet protocol that is a hardware category and software that enables the use of the internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls by the translocation of data in the form of packets by the use of the Internet protocol rather than the traditional transmission.