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Cyber Security – Definition, Types, and Best practices

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Cyber Security – Definition, Types, and Best practices

Cyber Security is the process of protecting the internet-connected devices and systems like software, data, and hardware from cyber-attacks. The practice is used by governments, corporates, and medical organizations to protect against unauthorized access to computerized systems and data centers. Information stored in interconnected systems can be sensitive, and cybersecurity is vital because it helps secure all networks, computers, servers, and mobile devices from malicious attacks. Usually, cyber-attacks are designed to access, manipulate, or delete user’s sensitive data.

Why is Cyber Security Crucial?

As mentioned earlier, private and public entities, store a significant amount of data on computers, interconnected systems, and other devices. Whether it’s personal information, financial data, or intellectual property, much of this data is sensitive when exposed to cyber-threats and could have adverse effects. Both public and private entities transmit sensitive data across connected systems and networks in the course of conducting their businesses, and cyber security’s goal is to protect the information and systems or networks used for data storage.

Types of Cyber Security

Cybersecurity can be divided into different categories, and understanding hem can help protect you better. Some of the most common types include;

Network security – This type helps secure internal networks against unauthorized access. It does this by securing infrastructure through the implementation of strong passwords and two-factor authentications.

Information security – Information security or InfoSec helps secure both digital and physical data of any form against unauthorized access, disclosure, use, manipulation, or deletion.

Application security – This is the practice of using hardware and software to protect data against external attacks that may arise during an application’s developmental stage. Application security may include firewalls, antivirus programs, and encryption procedures.

Data loss prevention – This security measure involves developing processes and policies for preventing and handling the loss of data and implementing recovery measures in the event of an information breach. These processes include setting network policies and permission for data storage.

Types of Cyber Threats

While staying up-to-date with security trends, threat intelligence, and other new technologies can be overwhelming, keeping up is necessary to help protect information and assets against cyber-attacks. Cyber-attacks come in different forms and can include:

Phishing: Phishing is a type of cyber-threat where cyber-criminals send emails resembling emails from legit sources. These emails aim to trick users into accessing, manipulating, and stealing confidential data such as login information or credit card information.

Malware: Malware is malicious software, program, or file used to damage a computer. It may include computer viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, and worms.

Social engineering: This attack depends on human interaction, in which attackers trick users to break security policies and perform actions that help attackers access sensitive information or data that is protected.

How to Protect Yourself against Cyber Threats

Sometimes cyber-criminals use tricks that anyone can fall into, thus risking their security. To help reduce the risk of cyber-attacks, make sure you use trusted and reputable sites when giving your confidential information. The best way to increase your cyber safety is always to check the URL and provide your personal information when you’re sure of the site. Secondly, ensure your devices are updated at any given time because the software updates consist of vital elements to help reduce security vulnerabilities.

In most cases, attackers tend to target outdated devices that may not be using updated software. Similarly, don’t open files or click links from unknown sources. Many people get exposed to viruses and malware through emails disguised as originating from trusted sources. Lastly, remember always to back up your files to ensure you remain protected in a cyber-attack event. It is also essential to keep in mind that regular cleaning your device against cyber-attacks can help store your files in a safe and separate place.

Cybersecurity is ever-changing, which makes keeping up an overwhelming task. However, you can increase your safety online by being cautious and staying informed. You should also update your devices regularly to help protect them from malware.


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