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Diamonds Aren’t Forever

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Diamonds Aren’t Forever

Main argument

Advertisers know how to make people spend vast sums of money on non-essential things by targeting the most vulnerable part of a human being which is the heart.

Supporting point #1

Advertisers always come with suggestions that if you love someone, you will prove to them by how much you spend on them, and if the statement is true, then the opposite is also exact you don’t want to give your lover a less expensive gift.

Supporting point #2

American advertising Agency Ayer used the slogan “A Diamond is Forever” which meant that diamonds should never be resold (rouff 426). Irrespective of the precious quality of diamonds, they cannot guarantee you a long-lasting marriage.

Supporting point #3

Divorce lawyers are now advertising in the same magazines that have jewelry adverts, they know that chances of break up are very high in the modern world, and take that as an opportunity (rouff, 426). People spend heavily to shower their partners with expensive jewelry after being lured by eye-catching advertisements like, “true love has a beginning but no end” from website.

Conclusive point

People should not accept being pressurized by advertisers to purchase what they think people want. Also, remember you cannot use the money to buy love; otherwise we could not have the rich divorcing.



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