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Exchange rate fluctuations in Nigeria

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Exchange rate fluctuations in Nigeria

My undergraduate research project hovered on determinants of exchange rate fluctuations in Nigeria, adopting an experimental research design to answer research hypotheses raised. Findings suggest that information in the form of news, announcements, and insider information causes spurs investors’ reactions, and the multiplier effects cause short-term exchange rate fluctuations. The study discovered that information asymmetry, herding, and other forms of bias are massively underrated in the Nigerian context, which may be a result of low investor sophistication, monotonous economy, and under-developed financial system. Bowling Green State University, through its M.A program in Financial Economics, offers a balance between central banking, economics, and investment, definitely a solid foundation for a young and enterprising finance and economics expert. I am very much aware that this M.A program equips me with strong research skills to tackle asset pricing and corporate finance in research and practice.

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