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Hypocrisy and how it has manifested mostly in the American state

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Hypocrisy and how it has manifested mostly in the American state

This context entails a detailed report on hypocrisy and the way the vice has manifested mostly in the American state. The effects of dishonesty on social work affairs and the impacts on the social workers have been highlighted in the context. This has dramatically affected the Implementation of projects at the community levels, which were aimed at the needy persons. The shreds of evidence have been framed in this context to help as proof of erosion of societies and states by the hypocrite personnel. Because of various problems that are encountered and the changing environment coupled with hypocrisy, there have been increased and coupled emerging issues that have hindered developments at every level of the state. The objective of this context is to survey how hypocrisy has manifested in America, to examine the effects of the vice on social work, and to provide arguments of hypocrisy in America.

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