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information stored in the computer system facilitates quick decision-making

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information stored in the computer system facilitates quick decision-making

Technology is greatly revolutionizing, and as a result, healthcare organizations are taking advantage of the technology to gather, store, and access healthcare information. Healthcare organizations are focusing on improving the safety of patient’s data in order to preserve the patient’s loyalty. Trained staff in healthcare organizations are used to collect and enter patient’s data into computer systems. Computerized data collection and storage systems are fitted with clinical decision support systems that prevent errors in collected and stored data. Electronic health records that are used in collecting and storing data are protected with passwords to allow for authorized access and thus enhance data security (Wang, Kung & Byrd, 2018). Information stored in computer systems is easily accessed when the user logs in, and this simplifies the process of billing, medication, and monitoring the progress of the patient. In addition, information stored in the computer system facilitates quick decision-making.

Healthcare organizations have enacted a proper measure to prevent security breaches. Preventing security breaches ensures the organization that it does not lose critical information of its patients. Also, curbing security breaches helps the organization in protecting its crucial information, that if lost may alter the operations of the hospital (Angst, Block, D’arcy & Kelley, 2017). Additionally, if the healthcare organization prevents security breaches, it is guaranteed for the patient’s loyalty. Patients want to be served in an organization where they are comfortable that their information is only accessible to authorized personnel. Security data breaches imply that a healthcare organization may lose business. A healthcare organization involved in data breaches may lose customers, and consequently, the nurses may also be rendered jobless. Besides, nurses involved in security breaches may ruin their careers since they may not secure employment in another healthcare organization. An example of a health data breach is that of UW Medicine that occurred in December of 2018. The University of Washington Medicine first raised the breach concerns, but in February, but it was until December when some of the patients made their investigation and realized their information in Google. UW Medicine responded by acknowledging that an employee’s error had caused the leakage of the patient’s information (Ahmed & Ullah, 2017). Some of the patient’s information that leaked included lab tests.


Wang, Y., Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126, 3-13.

Angst, C. M., Block, E. S., D’arcy, J., & Kelley, K. (2017). When do IT security investments matter? Accounting for the influence of institutional factors in the context of healthcare data breaches. Mis Quarterly, 41(3), 893-916.

Ahmed, M., & Ullah, A. S. B. (2017, August). False data injection attacks in healthcare. In Australasian Conference on Data Mining (pp. 192-202). Springer, Singapore.



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