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 Introduction to Research Methods

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 Introduction to Research Methods

Summative assessment: Qualitative research



Answer the following questions. When answering the questions, use evidence from the article, as well as providing academic support (where and when relevant). Provide a reference list.

PAPER: Physical education undergraduate students’ perceptions of their learning using the jigsaw learning method


Nature of Research

  1. List four stages of the research process shown in the article (2 marks)
  2. Select two of the stages presented in your answer for Question 1 and explain what is meant by these, and how they are demonstrated in the article (6 marks)
  3. Name the type of research conducted in this research and explain why (2 marks)










Literature Review

  1. Present four purposes of a literature review (2 marks)


  1. Outline the strengths of the literature review in the article (6 marks)


  1. Explain two strengths of the aim and objectives of this research study (2 marks)
























  1. Justify why a qualitative methodology was selected for this research study (4 marks)
  2. Explain the weaknesses of qualitative methodology (4 marks)
  3. Why did the authors provide a detailed background to the participants (2 marks)?























Data Collection Methods

  1. Name the two data collection methods used in this research study? (2 marks)
  2. Why were semi-structured focus group interviews used as a data collection method? (4 marks)
  3. Why were reflective journals used as a data collection method? (2 marks)
  4. Name two other data collection methods that could have been used to fulfil the aim and objectives of this research study (2 marks)





















Data Analysis

  1. Why was inductive data analysis and not deductive data analysis used in this research study? (4 marks)


  1. List and briefly explain the steps in conducting inductive data analysis (6 marks)


THE END (Total/50)





























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