Is killing another human being knowingly by any case justly?
Is killing another human being knowingly by any case justly? This a big question that can be answered on very many levels. There are many cases that man can argue is rightful to do so. There are many causes as to why one person could kill another, and the main and most known statistically is that the man is trying to get back due to vengeance. There are many ways in which this happens, and one could kill one because of debt, another could kill for a reason such as love and disputes over cases such as food or even wi-fi. One could kill another for reasons such as patriotism.
Not all deaths happened as planned that is premeditated. in some cases, one could kill through abortion; many have judged these actions if it is really rightful. Murder is one thing that should not be condoned at all costs. But what do we do to those who commit it, there are atrocities that one person can go out and start killing one another? What happens then, take, for instance, the near three thousand people that were killed. Take, for instance, if this person was still alive, what would be the appropriate punishment. Capital punishment is putting to death someone in order from the Court as it to be done as retribution for crime done. Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty. This has been in practice since the civilization of man.
There are crimes that are thought of as justifiable by killing the offender in the law. The following are some of the ways in which one can be killed; there is the crucifixion, punishment, lethal injection, drawing and quartering, gallows electrocution, the gas chamber, beheading, and boiling. Some of these cases are often used, such as lethal injection and electrocution. Electrocution is where one is tied to a chair, and a very high voltage is made to pass through their bodies. A person is put down, and the body is connected to high voltage electricity where it kills them. The body is then checked to see if they are truly dead. A lethal injection is whereby someone is injected with lethal poison that goes through their veins and they die in a short while.
Capital punishment is a mode of punishment that is subjected on those who have committed specific crimes. One of these crimes is capital offences, these come in many ways for example murder. The kind of murder that is punishable by death is the premeditated kind. Drug trafficking is one of the offenses that is considered punishable by death. Possession of drugs with an intent to use and possession of drugs with an intent to distribute in this case is different. There are countries that consider this a capital punishment for example Saudi Arabia, south Africa, china, Iran and Singapore are known to execute drug offenders. Crime against humanity such as espionage, treason or even genocide is considered capital punishment in some countries is punishable by death. Capital punishment however is not practiced in all countries.
Death penalty is however a more suitable term for this topic as one can be given a capital punishment and, in the end, they do not get killed. What distinguishes this is that when it is done, there is a due process that must be followed to the later. Capital punishment was mostly and extensively used in ancient Greece, under the rulership of Draco, that this form of punishment should be for those who are incorrigible. Some religions have had the urge to justify this say in the cases of, an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. The Islam in their teachings show that capital punishments acceptable for some of the cases such as adultery, robbery and Apostasy of Islam, yet murder is not in this list. Where murder is treated just as a civil crime. Countries that still practice it come to about 60% that is including; such as China, India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, , Saudi Arabia, Iran, and among almost all Islamic countries, as well as being maintained in and Sri Lanka the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh.
One of the good examples of a case that perplexed people was the Furman V. Georgia;
In the Furman v. Georgia case, Branch was convicted of rape. In a 5–4 decision, the Court’s one-paragraph per curium opinion held that the imposition of the death penalty in these cases constituted cruel and unusual punishment and violated the Constitution.[3] However, the majority could not agree as to a rationale. There was no opinion of the Court or plurality as none of the five justices constituting the majority joined in the opinion of any other. Justices Potter Stewart, Byron White and William O. Douglas expressed similar concerns about the apparent arbitrariness with which death sentences were imposed under the existing laws, often indicating a racial bias against black defendants. Because these opinions were the narrowest, finding only that the death penalty as currently applied was cruel and unusual, they are often considered the controlling majority opinions. Stewart wrote:
These death sentences are cruel and unusual in the same way that being struck by lightning is cruel and unusual. For, of all the people convicted of rapes and murders in 1967 and 1968, many just as reprehensible as these, the petitioners are among a capriciously selected random handful upon whom the sentence of death has in fact been imposed. My concurring Brothers have demonstrated that, if any basis can be discerned for the selection of these few to be sentenced to death, it is the constitutionally impermissible basis of race [see McLaughlin v. Florida, 379 U.S. 184 (1964)]. But racial discrimination has not been proved, and I put it to one side. I simply conclude that the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments cannot tolerate the infliction of a sentence of death under legal systems that permit this unique penalty to be so wantonly and so freakishly imposed. Justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall concluded that the death penalty was in itself “cruel and unusual punishment,” and incompatible with the evolving standards of decency of a contemporary society.
These decisions are hard and there have been arguments over time if the imposition of capital punishment is right. There are two sides to the case, where there are those that wish that it was abolished while others wish that the
Everyone thinks human life is valuable. Some of those against capital punishment believe that human life is so valuable that even the worst murderers should not be deprived of the value of their lives. There are those that want this decision upheld, these are the people that believe vermin should be gotten rid of. While those who want it to be abolished believe in the value of life no matter what. There are special cases though, the special cases in these cases are those that are directly affected by this case, say the afflicted, the ones that are in the death row, the ones that were affected by the conflicted felons, the family of the felons as well. To have a sensible discussion, this lot must be eliminated.
One of the arguments of those for this capital punishment is that capital punishment is meant for people that have done the worst and do not stand being in the earth, whereby holding them for a lifetime would not even be close to what justice is. One example is a convict that raped an infant of 11 months. This is a truly heart-breaking fact of what other people do not value humanity at all. This is a case that can be irreversible leaving the poor baby with scars for life that might never be healed, it also leaves the family devastated, as the one that did this is a person that was trusted to be one person that could protect the baby, but in this case they do this. In this case as per the parents of the child as irreversible and only punishable by death. Those who are pro for this judgement are people that have been affected deeply by thee atrocities, and should not be dismissed for whatever reason, but at the same time they should listen to the other arguments.
One of the arguments in this case is that the right to live is given to everyone, this is not on condition that they are good or bad people. The right to live is a decision that should be upheld for any kind of person despite their atrocities. By taking the life of one is unconstitutional as the constitution in itself provides that the right to live should count as one of the fundamental rights. By executing someone, their right to live is alienated, at all cost this life should be held up. It is even one of the arguments in the case of the United Nations when they decide that capital punishment should be abolished. In his case there are other ways is that there are other ways in which their sentences can be executed.
The value of human life, no matter the atrocities can not be compared to the crimes one did. The value of human life should be considered in any case and that it can be used when describing and giving sentences. The value of human life in any case cannot actually be lost and compared to anything when one is sentenced. Human life should not value at the cost of doing right or wrong, there could be retribution for one or away they could be redeemed. One could even find their purpose in life even if they have done wrong of how much weight. In the Christian religion one of the person who had killed the most Christians came to be one of the most important apostles, the apostle Paul, before he was an apostle he went around killing and persecuting Christians, he later got transformed and became one of the renown Christians that now is the biggest writer in the new testament. Paul after being transforms, his purpose was revealed and he even became a better man and a Christian that even perched to those that sent him, be executing him, all these could have gone done the fray, therefore this is a good example why capital punishment should not be one way of dealing with capital offenses.
Even after all due processes are followed still the wrong person can end up in jail. In this case therefore the person could be executed for no reason at all. The justice system in itself has discrepancy where a murder can be pinned one person or one person can be framed to take faut of another. One can be framed because of one reason or the other, could just be a feud people could not resolve on their own therefore they go ahead to Court and ensure that they suffer for a crime they did not commit. One in 9 cases in the united states is usually a wrong conviction due to racism and detest for the minority, yet the United States is a free country that is known for its fairness, and firm principles, now if the same is let to continue in other countries say even the third world countries that do not have proper judicial systems, in this case, the prosecution, the jurors and witnesses can be paid off and in return they sentence the wrong person. In the united states alone, there have been more than 130 cases that have been sentenced wrongly since 1973 for the death row. This is a very dangerous process as in capital punishment, there will be no time to prove one’s innocence and be freed off prosecution. Many times, this has happened and the inmate is released but then in death sentence this is irrevocable, and should not happen, therefore capital punishment should not enforce.
It is not right to pay death to death that is, it is not right to just kill another person for killing another person. Who should bring this to a stop, who? The legal and justice system should be the one remaining between sanity and all. Death should at least be stopped by them and give proper guidance on any other form of other punishment. In any case, any end of immorality should not be condoned. Death penalty is just a sanitised form of vengeance by v=blood which is very wrong. Justice should be separated from vindictiveness at all cost.
In conclusion therefore from all the arguments that have been tabled, it is important to note that capital punishment should be abolished in countries that is still being practiced. Of all the reasons, capital punishment should not be practiced because this is a crime against humanity. As much as a human life can cause a lot of pain, it is till important and should be protected. Capital punishment is a form of judgement that stands in the ancient world and has no space in the current one, where every life counts no matter what they might have done.