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Isa Moraes

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Isa Moraes

I am a licensed Real Estate Agent based in Southern Rhode Island, with over 3 years of experience actively offering efficient real estate solutions to people that are downsizing, relocating, or vacating their properties. My sense of urgency, excellent communication throughout the process coupled with a positive mindset, uniquely empowers me to help my clients adequately and has profoundly enabled me to make the real estate processes, easy and hassle-free.

Originally from Brazil, I moved to the U.S. 18 years ago, seeking a safe environment and a future for my four daughters. I have self-taught the language and achieved citizenship in 2016. The school of hard knocks taught me a lot about people, commitment, and persistence. As such, I offer honest insights to both sellers and buyers to ensure that they make the right move towards their goals.

I am a creative, strategic, self-driven person by nature, and I love to articulate solutions for challenging situations as they excite me. I believe these qualities and knowledge make me a great Real Estate Advisor, not just an agent. Whether it is buying or selling, my goal is to provide an exceptional experience for my clients. I strive to guide my clients by educating them about the process and help them make decisions based on possible outcomes according to my knowledge and experience.

Most of my clients compliment me for being a passionate, reliable, and open-minded individual who loves her job and takes pride in it. At all times, I envision to understand my clients’ unique needs and deliver extraordinary results for each one of them. When I am not to my clients, I love spending time with my family, loving and enjoying life, and most importantly, investing in personal growth. Contact me today, and together, we will work on your dream.

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