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Job Hazard Analysis

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Job Hazard Analysis





The source that I am interested in is the Job Hazard Analysis. It is a book on establishing and regulating hazards written by George Swartz. JHA is a method formulated to examine and consider a job then disintegrate the job into actions that grant means of removing identified risks (Ericson, 2015). The element I find appealing in the article is the ways of achieving JHA. The most effective is one on one observation that involves the employee and the manager participation in answering questions. The idea is practical as it facilitates the exchange of ideas, which will leave both the manager and employee knowledgeable (Zhang and Teizer, 2015). The JHA project is also able to resolve problems encountered during hazard investigation. In my company, for instance, I have learned that employees regularly propose that their opinions not be inquired. The reason for this has been the habit of harassment, victimization, and gender biasness at the workplace. I would administer a JHA where I will inform the workers that harassment is forbidden, I would ensure that the company’s managers appreciate their role in ending, addressing, preventing and reporting harassers to the authorities. Lastly, I would respond to concerns and questions on harassment instantly and effectively.




Ericson, C. A. (2015). Hazard analysis techniques for system safety. John Wiley & Sons.

Zhang, S., Boukamp, F., & Teizer, J. (2015). Ontology-based semantic modeling of construction safety knowledge: Towards automated safety planning for job hazard analysis (JHA). Automation in Construction52, 29-41.

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