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Management leadership

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Management leadership


The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate various principles related to leadership and management principles and power and politics on operations in Tesco. It helps in predicting the overall relationship among the entities on the whole working culture at the company. The study is vital for depicting several views on managing appropriate procedures for providing a necessary principle for affecting overall organizational culture. There is a formulation of several models and theories for describing the impact of leadership and management and power and politics for conducting entire work in the company. There is the presence of a suitable conclusion for managing and creating a direct impact on the mind of the workers for taking an active part in the company.


In the discussion part, all the answers to the questions have been answered.

Overview of the organization

Tesco Plc is a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer organization located in the United Kingdom. The organization is the largest retailer for developing various types of grocery items in the U.K. and is also regarded as the third largest retailer grocery outlet within Europe. Tesco was founded in the year 1919 and had more than 2,200 stores all over the U.K. The organization provides various range of grocery products. It has diversified to manage other services like telephone, banking, and insurance services and provides cost-effective services for the customers (Nair 2019).

The primary mission of the company is to provide superior products for the customers and develop standardization in the products. The organization holds a second position in the London Stock Exchange market and achieves the desired rate of profit in the market. There is a presence of more than 450,000 employees in the organization and help in conducting overall operations in a suitable process. The operating income for Tesco is $ 2.207 in the market and holds a strong position in the market. Tesco is ranked as one of the top fifty organizations in the whole world and focuses on managing suitable grocery products for a wide range of customers. The firm operates in more than thirteen countries all across the globe and develops a superior supermarket chain in the market. The vision of the company is to provide quality grocery and retail products for people in the world and create a sharp image in the market. It develops a durable competitive edge in the market.

Leadership and Management

It is vital for creating a suitable leadership style by the management of the company for guiding the employees for developing a positive environment. The implementation of a decisive leadership framework helps in conducting various activities within the organization and maintains long- term relationships among one another. The principle of effective leadership procedure helps in co-coordinating multiple events for the management of the company and improves awareness in the current environment (Kapucu and Ustun, 2018). Leadership is the method for influencing and managing various internal activities within the management and develops a co-coordinated effort for achieving long- term goals of the firm.

There is a direct relationship for maintaining appropriate guidelines by the management for maintaining an appropriate leadership approach in managing overall activities in the future. Most of the workers emphasize maintaining a suitable leadership approach for co-coordinating businesses and develop a long- term relationship with the management (Allen et al. 2018). There is the implementation of democratic leadership approach developed by the management of Tesco for improving overall relations with the employees. It helps in enhancing existing products and manages redundancies in the existing operations and improves existing organizational culture (Ogbar 2019).

Management is a process for conducting daily operations for the organization by implementing a suitable leadership approach for developing positivity in the working environment. It helps in creating a proper procedure for managing overall activities present for building long- term relations with the employees and reduce any type of conflict (Riggio, 2017).

Moreover, the management of a company focuses on developing a suitable working atmosphere by developing a systematic leadership style. Tesco focuses on creating a hierarchical management system for conducting operations and develop a long- term relationship with the workers. These are an integral part of the organization established for increasing current productivity and provide a systematic approach in the operations (Laelatul et al. 2019). There is a direct relationship developed for managing an appropriate leadership style and improve the overall managerial process for conducting the entire work (Collins 2019).

Power and politics

In the context of the organizational business policies and procedures, there is a particular credibility gap where the executive’s approaches are implemented based on corporate life. Hence the managers purport to make an individual decision in the rationalistic terms. At the same time, most of the business observers and its participants know where the significant errors lie in this regard. Hence from the overall decision making, it can insist that the whole decision making can be tried as rationalistic and other non- personal activities. Therefore all these business practices in the organizational value as well as other political events based on the process. On the other hand, the political structures and its distributing process and setting the overall business stages that are highly motivating techniques that can be secured and found to be useful to meet the environment in the business (Duyvendak 2019).

On the other hand, from the political pyramid, the individual process has been capable of meeting its economic standpoint, the organizational process can be useful to income over cost by meeting the overall marketplace In this regard. Other than that, from Tesco Company’s point of view, global carrier development has been implemented based on the Carrier valuation. Hence from the overall business expectation of its interests and its motives. Thus from the overall organizational and its professional point of view is also dependable by the Tesco companies point of view for transforming individual interests into its principal business activities, and it can be effectively influenced towards other people as a whole (Lewis et al.2019).

Organizational Culture

It is essential for developing a suitable organization culture for managing overall operations for the company and achieves overall objectives. Organizational culture is regarded as the system of shared assumptions, values, beliefs, and principles that assist employees in working in the organization (Warrick, 2017). The development of a suitable shared value principle helps in managing operations and creates a positive influence on the minds of the employees. The implementation of a positive working culture helps in increasing motivation among the employees and provides a direct effect on the overall performance.

There is a direct link among the development of adequate principles for managing the entire workflow and reduce any negativity in the working atmosphere. Most of the companies look for developing and suitable positive influences on the behavior of the workers and generates positivity in the existing operations. The principle of organizational culture depends on creating sustainability in the current services and reduces the stress level of the workers for managing overall performance (Chatman and O’Reilly, 2016).

It is a suitable principle developed for managing affordable measures for maintaining efficiency and provides friendly advice for the workers performing work in the firm (Felipe et al. 2017). Organizational culture provides a direct effect on the process developed within the workers and current management of the company for achieving the desired performance (Croese and Pitcher 2019).

Moreover, Tesco develops a positive organizational culture for conducting overall operations and improve existing products. There is a focus on the implementation of a hierarchal method for dividing entire operations among the workers by the management and develop appropriate communication with each other (O’Neill et al. 2016). The governance improves on supporting employees for conducting operations and reduces any redundancies in the services.

It is suitable for creating a positive motivational approach among the employees for performing the entire work at Tesco and manages an increase in productivity. The development of a hierarchical approach allows management to focus on attaining adequate needs of the employees. It provides an equal opportunity for achieving every problem of the employees working at the company and assigning similar work for managing overall objectives (Ax and Greve, 2017).

The development of a formal group assists employees in reducing long- term problems in the operations and maintain a suitable communication approach for creating an appropriate culture. The management of TESCO creates systematic functions and develops a proper method for reducing any negativity and develops positive relations. The utilization of the direct approach helps in improving present culture developed in the firm and improves existing performance in the future (Rofcanin et al. 2017). The presence of a positive working culture allows a company to improve existing performance and achieves specific procedures.

Hierarchical Model of Organization culture

Moreover, the hierarchal model of organization culture develops a strong foundation by managing the coordination of the activities within the organization by adequate flexible structure and control. There is the development of a formal working culture developed within the management and employees for coordinating specific activities. This model helps in managing a suitable organizational culture by focusing on marinating systematic leadership among the management (Manojlovic and Ketefian, 2016).

It is useful for creating a suitable culture at the organization and maintains sustainability in the operations for the firm.  The model helps provide proper balance among the workers in the company and supports regular activities for increasing actual performance. Moreover, the utilization of appropriate functions helps in improving working culture and provide a direct effect on the operations (Elsbach and Stigliani, 2018). The hierarchal model allows the equal flow of communication across every level of the firm and manages direct control within the services. There is a systematic relationship among the development of a suitable framework for reducing long- term implications in the performance and create a proper culture in the operations.

Leadership and management of TESCO

In the context of the TESCO, it is seen that from the context of assisting management in handling the labor to take the optimum utilization of overall human capital prospects in the organization. Hence from the operational perspective of TESCO Company, the performances of leaders and styles have been highly effective in this regard. Therefore the manager solely is liable to manage the employee of the organization and to try to meet the excellent business relationship with the employees. Thus the overall context of different leadership to meet the organization values as a whole (Jolly 2019). it is seen that TESCO company enable the three type of leadership process namely-

Autocratic leadership style

The overall autocratic leadership process can try to manage the employees in a better and effective way and take the decision-making process according to the view of the top management in this regard. Hence the method can include the employees towards meeting the overall decision-making process where the decision processes have been useful to fit the whole leadership process in this regard. Thus from the global leadership process of TESCO company have looked to implement the overall autocratic leadership at all the level to make the decision-making technique to meet the active process despite the leaderships process have been useful in this regard (Buchanan and Badham 2020).


Democratic leadership process

The TESCO Company has effectively implemented the overall leadership style tom maintain good relations with the employees and try to increase the overall business efficiency by including them to meet the whole decision-making process in this regard. Furthermore, the overall kind of leadership style is followed at the middle level of the organization. Thus for the perspective of its organizational instance, the development techniques have been useful to meet the periodical decisions for meeting the new methods.

Transformational leadership technique

TESCO Company has also implemented the primary kind of leadership style that can assist the leader in bringing the implementation of meeting the overall employee rules and regulations in this regard. Thus the leadership style has also facilitated global management to take advantage of its multi-skilled employees to achieve the perfect employees and try to assign people to meet different sorts of tasks as a whole. Thus according to TESCO, this technique has been implemented to achieve a specific dominant framework.

 Organizational theory regarding the leadership technique

The overall management approaches have been useful to meet the work effectively and achieve its predetermined goals. Hence the global management of the TESCO Company has been defining the total human capital loss of the organization. Thus this process has raised the efficiency that can help the leaders to meet the work process effectively-

Human relation theory

TESCO has used this human relation technique; the process has been highly useful to meet the organizational operation. There are various facilities, accommodation, and house rent allowance. Hence from TESCO company can make the employees self-dependent to decrease the overall business efficiency of the employees, and it can prepare a severe loss for the organization. Hence from the physical needs of the employees that can focus on the approaches to meet the organizational goals as a whole (Pauwels 2019).


Contingency approach

The overall contingency approach has been useful to the management to surprise the operations appropriately to meet the organizational point of view. Hence from the plan, the manager can identify the conditional factors and its external factors as well. All these processes and facilities have been meeting the technological need of the organizational rules and regulations in this regard. For example, the management of TESCO has been able to interact with the group meeting as well as facing specific processes in this regard based on the leadership (Tsoukalis 2019).

Impact of power and politics in TESCO

On the verge of the organizational culture, the overall power and politics of the TESCO company have tended to meet the global business comparisons based on the sense of self- esteem. Thus from the overall organizational rules and regulations with the people and decide the total loss or this can shift in meeting the proportional shares of the global authority against an overall personal standard, and it can look to endure certain losses in this regard. Thus from the organizational point of TESCO, the overall tendency has been compared to deeply integrated tom people and especially since this technique has been useful to meet the regulatory process to meet the time and attention as a whole (Paxton et al.2020).

Furthermore, corporate acquisitions and mergers can also try to illustrate the effective types of comparisons. Hence from the overall mergers, the organization has resigned to accept the displacement in the rank that has occurred where no longer could be acting as its executive process. Furthermore, the concepts of fitting techniques to meet the organizational procedures have implemented based on the pyramid’s procedures that can satisfy the overall business scarcity for the regulatory rules and regulations as a whole. Hence as this potential has tried to deal with the effectiveness in a position that has been accorded to meet the responsibility and to meet the overall authority techniques to match the global business potentials in this regard, thus it can also be said that to equally target the top positions in its power and policies for meeting the unfulfilled conditions in this regard (Kania-Lundholand et al.2019).


Hence from the assignment, it can be said that the leadership and management technique and the contesting policies and powers of TESCO Company have been adequately discussed. The overall organizational culture based on the human relations approach and their contingency approaches have also been considered in this regard. The proper leadership technique and the power and policies have also been inclined in this regard. There are different applications of theories have also been discussed in this case. Therefore it can be said that the leadership technique and its power and policies have been inclined in this view.


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