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My Eulogy

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My Eulogy

I know nobody will enjoy reading this because none will accept that I am gone. It is excruciating to live without me, and no one will fill the gap that I have left. Many of you described me as an amazing person who was always gentle and kind. That is the reason why many people loved me and enjoyed my presence. I also very well knew how to mingle and relate well with other people. Death is cruel because it has taken me and permanently separated me from you. It is hard to believe, but I am gone forever, not to enjoy life with you anymore. I have died peacefully, and I will forever miss you wherever I am.

What I have left on earth is more important than how I have died. As you mourn and grief for me, know that I have lived a good life. I have tried my level best to be kind and create a friendship with everybody. As you all know, I was not a mean person. I tried to share whatever little I had with those who did not have at that moment. I even went further to sacrifice some of my things, such as clothes to people who lacked. I also encouraged people to do good and love one another, and this is why our society is regarded as secure. This is part of the legacy that I have left, and I do not want it to be lost because it will serve a common good.

As you grief for me, remember the good things that I was doing and copy my practice. Again, remember the bad things that I have done, but do not judge me. Instead, work towards correcting and improving them because no one is perfect in life. I, however, wish to inform you that nothing can buy experience. Money, power, and all the great things you see cannot buy life. The most important thing is to live a good life, love others, and do good to them always. As I rest in peace, I wish you endeavors in your lives. We shall meet again in the land of eternity. A painful goodbye!

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