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Patriotism is an affection, devotion and connection to one’s nation, which brings a sense of closeness to one another as citizens. Patriotism also involves accepting the nation’s flaws and sins together with celebrating the nation’s history, nation’s contribution to human and its optimism towards her people. Appreciating nation’s history involves acknowledging and giving honour to some events, and offering continuous education to the younger generations. Some landmarks to patriotism are reflection on the sins of slavery, cruelty, lack of abiding to human rights, and struggles that the nation’s citizen underwent. The country celebrates its glorious moments, at the same time, feeling ashamed of the historical injustices the government imposed on its citizens (Primoratz, 2016). Moreover, patriotism involves producing songs that glorify the leadership of prominent people in authority, making speeches, and generating inspirational quotes of the nation’s citizens. This paper discusses the concept of patriotism basing its arguments on a person’s feelings of whether the country is right or wrong, rights for voting, rights for campaigning, an respecting citizens from other nations.

Patriotism manifests itself through speaking out when the country is wrong. For instance, there have been a long struggle on the revolution of Vietnamese communism. Even though Vietnamese communism achieved noteworthy political success, the Vietnamese underwent inhumane slavery and some went into exile. Vietnamese communism emerged due to fusion of two patriotic movements affiliated with development of the Vietnam nation. Americans and French started the war against the Vietnamese communism which psychologically affected the Vietnam citizens. Many hundred thousands of people died, thousands arrested, and many wounded. The survivors felt the Americans discriminated their rights and in unison the Vietnamese all over the world showed patriotism to condemn these social injustices. Slavery was rampant in Vietnam with an aim of ending Vietnamese communism. Social revolution emerged to end the chronic oppression and it received support from Vietnamese nationalities in other nations. Patriotism spirit condemned the denial of women to exercise their democratic rights through voting, whereby the nation granted them the right to vote in 1946 (Primoratz, 2016).

Patriotism also involves speaking out and celebrating in unison when the country is right. For instance, in Afghanistan they celebrated patriotism for amendment of their constitution which kept into consideration the aspects of human rights and economic development especially in the health care sector. Afghanistan is renowned for its constant wars and violation of human rights. Recently, the Afghanistan government joined the League of Nations under the spirit of patriotism towards making the country better and change its narrative of war and being the most unsafe country to live or invest. The citizens of Afghanistan conducted a positive campaign through the media reports and other international agencies on the positive reforms in the Afghanistan constitution. Health care was one of the major milestone achieved through the spirit of patriotism of the Afghanistan government. Conflict had existed in the setting of the medical care system in Afghanistan majorly blaming the invasion of the US government and other nongovernmental organizations dealing with healthcare issues. The constant war between the US government and the Soviet Union between 1979 and 1989 also contributed towards delaying the efficiency of healthcare system in Afghanistan. The Afghan National Army and Forces protected all the tertiary services including health care system from invasion, which received applause from the Afghanistan nationalities worldwide (Primoratz, 2016).

Voting is one of the most patriotic action towards a nation. Governments of different nations always encourage their citizens, even those in diaspora to always exercise their democratic rights and patriotism through casting their votes to their most preferred candidate. The choice of the candidate to lead the citizens involves scrutinizing several factors, in which patriotism is among the major factors. The candidate should demonstrate loyalty and exclusive devotion to the nation. Moreover, being involved in the voting process is a sign of patriotism and allegiance to the nation’s political aspects (Primoratz, 2016).

Campaigning is another indication of patriotism and allegiance towards a certain party of candidate. For instance, the upcoming elections in the United States is leading some leaders to show patriotism to the parties and candidature. For example, former President of the United States, Barrack Obama is showing exclusive devotion to the Democratic Party and candidature of Joe Biden for presidency. No matter the outcomes of the elections, patriotic members do not shift their ideologies or parties to the winning party. Another example is Barbara Boxer the former California Senator received massive campaign on her Democratic Party, which led her to subsequent re-election until her retirement from politics (Primoratz, 2016).

Respecting others is also a sign of patriotism. For instance, paying taxes is a form of respect to the government and it is a form of patriotism especially if one is in diaspora. Taxes allows the government to perform essential tasks to its citizens. Respecting other people’s point of view especially if they belong to different community, culture or nation is an element of patriotism. Respect is a moral standing that defines nationalism and credentials of a certain nationality. For instance, the bombing of 9/11 led to prejudice on Arab-American relations, in which both nations remained loyal and devoted to protecting its citizens in the foreign land (Primoratz, 2016).

In conclusion, patriotism have different definition depending on the point of argument. For instance, the concept of patriotism on voting, and the ideologies of patriotism of respect of citizens vary in the understanding of the term patriotism. The definition of patriotism depends on the context, and varying in argument, and philosophical explanation. However, patriotism involves nationalism and well-functionality of the nation and its citizens.




Primoratz, I. (2016). Patriotism: philosophical and political perspectives. New York, NY:


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