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Presenting change plans

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Presenting change plans

From the previous discussions, change is inevitable and it is vital for the growth and development of any organization. when change is introduced in any organization, the expectations are that the change will bring positive results in the organization. Employees however react differently to change and while some may accept it, others reject it. change brings fear, anxiety and confusion in the organization. in order to successfully introduce change in the organization, it is vital to have a plan that would guide the staff. In the plan, there should be the definition of change, why the change is important and how it will affect the employees personally. It should also allow for feedback and duration of time for the staff to familiarize themselves with the change. The best way to present the EMR implementation idea and plan to the staff is by communicating the change early and allowing the staff to contribute to the proposition for change. This would ease the implementation as the staff will be aware of the change and will accept it since they are part of it. the specific areas that would be covered to ensure that the staff are fully aware of the situation are staff education, development if the goals and objectives, the establishment of the anticipated challenges and solutions to these challenges and the roles of each member affected by the change.


Marissa Johnson

It is true that When employees face a change, they can react in the following ways: shock, resistance, hostility, sadness, confusion, denial, anxiety, fear, and stress. With these, it is impossible to successfully implement change. It is true that to ease these emotions when introducing an implementation plan to the staff I would listen, try to understand employee emotions, and offer resources and support when possible. I like the plan you provided and although simple, it is efficient during the implementation of change. I would however need more explanation of the specific areas that would be covered to ensure that the staff are fully aware of the situation.

Jessica Watson

I like how you begin your discussion by directly going into the discussion. I agree with you that it would be necessary to have a company-wide mandatory meeting per department to introduce the new plan to the entire staff. I like your explanation of the best way to present the EMR implementation idea and plan to the staff, as it is well detailed and explained. I like your general approach to the discussion and your plan would be successful. I like how you introduce your ideas and express yourself as it makes it easy to understand your work.

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