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racial profiling amongst the black when driving

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racial profiling amongst the black when driving

The main discussion involves racial profiling amongst the black when driving. It requires police officers to stop someone on the basis that they fit a specific stereotypic appearance. It can be from a racial or ethnic baseline. The article talks about using race to select offenders. The common excuse being drug trafficking control. Black motorists are often pulled over for no reason at all, other than being black. It is driving while black focuses on discrimination against African Americans.

I am interested in this topic because so many people African Americans are affected. Most of the time, I cannot drive for more than thirty minutes without being stopped. Also, this topic has a significant impact on the psychological state of individuals. I feel like this unlawful racial profiling is unfair. It violates human rights to a great length. I have chosen this topic due to the breadth of exposure to blacks driving.

As such, this topic is relevant because it provides awareness of racial injustice eminent in traffics. It will help reduce biased law procedures, which incriminates so many innocent African Americans. It generates solutions for mitigating racial profiling. As such, it prevents the unjust, unequal, and criminal victimization of the blacks. The study will help create a safe zone where Blacks can drive without fearing arrest.

In the case, people do not understand issues relating to racial profiling, various consequences emanate. There will be a great deal of negative psychological impacts on people. In most cases, African Americans gain a sense of acceptance of all the stereotypes placed on them. Fear exists among the affected. They start to develop anti-social traits. There will be an increased rate of unlawful criminalization. It causes an increased number of incarceration of innocent people. Lastly, failure to understand this topic brings a lot of naivety, which causes people to be ashamed to be identified in their community.

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