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Reducing the problem of childhood obesity

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There are two significant reasons for reducing the problem of childhood obesity. First, obese and overweight children and teens have a higher likelihood of becoming more obese when they become adults, unlike healthy BMI children. Secondly, it is quite difficult for these adults to reduce excess weight once they become overweight or obese. Bariatric procedures and newer drugs for treating health problems resulting from obesity have emerged, but these procedures are associated with many complications and are costly (Malina et al., 1999). Therefore, prevention of obesity at an earlier age while emphasizing the need to heighten physical activity is of utmost importance.

The modern culture and society has managed to evade routine physical activity in the daily lives of their children and made low nutrient food, energy-dense food and beverages less costly and accessible, and that makes these foods far more attractive compared to the healthier foods. Lifestyle modifications and behavioral changes are the main tools for lowering obesity. Nonetheless, if the environment contributes to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating practices and the sedentary lifestyle, interventions, and strategies that depend entirely on the self-control of the individual will not be quite effective. The children do have the capacity to make wise and informed choices on the food that they eat (Must et al., 1992). That makes it essential to focus on modifying the environment. Therefore, the children will get the chance to eat healthy food and also enhance their physical activity, and that lowers the risk of obesity.


This research aims to evaluate how physical education leads to a reduction in childhood obesity and how it contributes to making children make informed health choices and maintain a healthy weight. The research also aims to explore the reasons why schools and parents should care about the physical health of their children. Obese children are currently affected by health problems and diseases that previously affected only adults. Chronic diseases such as heart problems and diabetes mellitus begin showing symptoms at an earlier stage and also have a prolonged impact in these obese children. Furthermore, the research also seeks to evaluate the benefits of preventing childhood obesity since chronic diseases caused by obesity have severe complications in children, and that leads to a reduced lifespan.

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