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Risk and resilience for food business

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 Risk and resilience for food business

Table of Contents

Introduction.. 2

Discussion.. 2

Literature review.. 2

A critical review of conceptual framework. 5

Improvement and recommendation in the operation management 6

Conclusion.. 7

Reference. 8





It is vital for developing a superior supply chain system for developing the production of the company and provide sustainability in the operations. The study provides an in-depth analysis on analyzing long- term risks in the supply chain system of the Sam worth Brothers organization in the U.K. It helps in giving suitable recovery plan for the organization by implementing the proper conceptual framework for the organization. There is the implementation of appropriate models for evaluating the importance of the context within the Sam worth Brothers. It provides proper improvements and recommendations for improving the existing supply chain procedure and maintains proper operations. The implementation of a proper structure in the supply chain process for the company provides a backup plan for developing suitable activities. The underlined study is ideal for measuring and reducing risks in the supply chain process of Sam worth Brothers in the U.K. It provides an appropriate range of methods developed for improving the supply chain process.


In the discussion part, the literature review part along with conceptual framework ideas and specific recommendation related to value chain analysis of brakes group, has been addressed.


Literature review

According to Pietrobelli and Staritz, stated in the article, ‘’ Upgrading, Innovation Systems and Learning process in Value Chain Interventions’’, that there should be suitable development in the innovation process in the supply chain process of an organization. It helps in managing long term risks and provides sustainability in the operations for managing the production process and develops innovation in the existing process. Moreover, it is analyzed that there should be a strong focus designed on managing the innovation process in building a suitable supply chain process. It helps in managing any risk and provides a reduction in the risk process for developing the existing production process. The presence of adequate innovation and interactive learning process among the suppliers provides a basic framework for improving resiliency and promote proper collaboration in the entire process (Pietrobelli and Staritz, 2018). The intervention of an innovative structure in the supply chain process increases the production rate and manages long term operations. It is a suitable process developed for improving the existing structure in the supply chain process and maintains the proper method. The paper focuses on building a volatile process for managing risks and developing resilience in the supply chain process. The implementation of relevant knowledge in the framework of supply chain process provides innovation in the operations and creates a competitive position for the organization.

According to (Pettit et al.2020), the concept of supply chain management in the food sectors of the U.K. has gained attention since the year 2000. At the same time, the overall aspect of resilience has also been studied in different other areas. For example, according to the scientists, changes in ecological constraints have primarily created a significant difference in driving an ecological balance towards the aspect of defining individual resilience in the area of food production. All these processes drive towards the element of ensuring organizational leadership. Hence two such factors have mostly been useful towards identifying the significant changes in the way of risk and resilience. Firstly is the globalization concept has been implied based on the overall grounded theory. Apart from this, the building capacity for overcoming disruptions had yet to deliver specific integrated framework based on the risk perspectives. Secondly, the aspect of traditional risk management aspect had also been derived to ensure more effectiveness, thus by identifying the risk stature different prevailing approaches towards risk management had also been effectively implied in this case (Subedi and Vernooy 2019).

As per (Shaw et al.2019), the importance of government in ensuring resilience for food and supply chain management cannot be overemphasized. It is seen that within a certain amount of limited resources, inevitable tensions have occurred on the verge of new decision making and implementing smart technologies in food sectors. Since the words have stepped into the process of digitalization, hence the database has been increased in a good number. Thus the government has tried to imply smart and practical techniques to cope with the needs of food process resistance. For example, in the case of ensuring effective e supply chain of all foods and grains product, the U.K. government has assured the hassle-free transportation technique will try to develop the lean government. Thus the overall changes will help understand the differences between government and another stakeholder. On the other hand are certain cases that can be effectively implied base on the resilience based on the food processing industry from its government department. Hence from this difference, there are individual chances of integrating certain file information, motivating diverse collaborations, as well as the process, will lead to an increase in the process of orchestrations in the internet platforms

(Groot et al.2019) have stayed that specific changes in the aspect of climate change will pose specific variability’s that will raise certain high stages in the process of agro-food businesses as it threatens in the ecosystems. The process will look to impact on which the company will look to indulge into certain weather-related on which the company can depend. Moreover, all these changes can be useful in intensifying specific opportunities for innovative climate resistance changes for its product and services based on the new market areas. For example in the insurance agencies are already developing creative climate change in the case of making and understanding certain climate insurance products in the case of insurance products for communities at individual increased risk of whether related specified natural disasters as a whole. Hence the new food resistance can try to implement reregulation techniques that are being developed to the implementation process. Moreover it has been said that. Furthermore, in the U.K. these services, there are certain regionalized based on the climate changes in the agricultural food regarding all these climate risks based on different opportunities in this regard. Moreover, there are individual assistance has been provided based on its agrarian food chains in the U.K. in this regard.

According to (Gabriel and Ifenyinwa 2019), an example of farmers has been showcased in this regard. Hence based on individual relationships between infrastructure, skill acquisition, research and development in the food management based on the overall value chain analysis. Furthermore based on effective survey designs, there are specific limited questions have also been implemented based on the global value chain analysis. Moreover, the database management process of the U.K. food processing industry has been implied to absolute essential validity and reliability test. Hence from the linear regression analysis as well as its hypothesis testing. Based on specific significant realization based on individual skill level acquisition as a significant change has been implied based on particular research and skill development aspect. Hence from the overall research process, it has been seen that the whole research populations had been done based on a total number of 3240 people along with 356 in the food and resilience process. Hence all these findings challenges based on a strong resilience based on the overall disposal management as well as the agricultural value chain in the global food industry. Thus all this agrarian value chain analysis can effectively in trying to alleviating the universal economic hands of the production process as a whole (Kong and Koelmans 2019).

(Hendry et al.2019) have highlighted some instances of different food firms in various food sectors that have been implemented based on specific effective changes from its overall European union as a whole. Hence the organizational farmers have been effectively included based on the farmers, processors and retailers in the global non-government changes in this process. Apart from the whole data interview and certain other roundtable information’s have been implemented based on different other perspectives in this case. Moreover covering the sensing, seizing and the global transforming changes in this regard. Hence all these processes have also been understood based on the horizontal collaboration between the supply chain techniques to implement a future shape of the constitutions as a whole. Hence all this process has been looking to change in the way of meeting the competitive positions based on specific constitutional changes based on the identified and contrast in different other in most other typically changed process has been described based on the aspect of building resilience in this regard (Price and Singer 2019).

On the other hand, in case of building interest in short food supply chains as well as the local food suppliers in the E.U. and beyond. Hence from the interest gaining has been done based on the process of global food security chains. On the other hand, the process is based on the enhanced tractability, increased number of means in food poverty and its political and other environmental aspects have been inclined. The author has highlighted that the advantages of local food systems include the specific fair price of farmers, fresh, local and other seasonal producing for the customers. Thus based on specific local food systems will be looking to create a job in agriculture and other significant aspects related to food production. Hence the processes can also try to incur the local food regarding specific incentive process as a whole. Thus the overall financial modelling technique based on the process of European agricultural fund for the aspect of rural development as a whole. Moreover, from the element of competitive pressures based on the local food partners in the U.K. has been defined under the process of implementing the changes and opportunities. Thus all these processes will try to resilient based on the overall food system as a whole. Hence from the process in regarding the aspect.

(Ansah et al.2019) have highlighted that the concept of the risk and resilience in the area of food processing industry is considered t be largely heterogeneous in this regard. It also raises questions regarding whether they measure specific identical concept with different methods based on a different set of understanding implied in this case. Hence this perspective based on certain socio research phenomena. Currently, the food sector has faced specific changes in technological changes in their overall operations. Thus the households of the U.K. have faced particular issues regarding the concept of resilience and indiscipline in the idea of supply chain technique.

A critical review of the conceptual framework

The concept of food production is considered to be a practical aspect in this regard. The process duly enables the producers to address specific significant business challenges as well as achieving the desired objectives as a whole. However, it can be said that Samworth brothers that had been one of the dominant company in the aspect of the food production process. The process had also explicitly implied developed techniques, as well as its machinery, will be vital; however, in applying specific current supply chain management technique. However, there are some customer and suppliers have implied a long term resistance based on the aspect of the operation in this case. Hence there had been an overall response that has been implemented based on Samworth brothers.

However, it can be said that a specific new set of food can be created based on the aspect of smart food solution and specific new techniques in this regard. Hence the concept of sustainability is related to different elements as a whole.

Excellence in operation

The overall carbon reduction process, as well as the improvement in operational excellence, can be implied based on the management in term of growth and excellence in this regard. Thus from the aspect of promotion and sustainability issue can increase specific bonding between its business sustainability and costing techniques as a whole.


Brand valuation

The overall customer segmentation can try to increase some demand for quality and sustainability techniques. Hence it can be said that all the demanding process can help understand specific appropriate timing.

Customer knowledge building

The business protection will be sufficient to the shareholder value based on the limited risks in relating to the overall food safety as well as its global business transparency will be useful in this case as well.


Samworth brothers will be effectively reduced based on individual footprint so that the improvement in this technique can also try to implement precise supply efficiency process in this regard.

Total making of cost

The total cost of valuation in the CAPEX process is considered to be valid based on the operation techniques in the costing of its operation making. Hence the process can also try to develop a proper long term operational procedures from Samworth brothers as a whole.

Improvement and recommendation in the operation management

The overall research techniques and its overall business resilience can try to focus on the primary factors to develop the total protection based on the foods in the U.K. thus from Samworth brothers will try to help in different areas like science and traditional technologies, agricultures will be useful in this regard. Hence it is seen that storage of product, processing and its transportation will be helpful in the preparation of product selling. However, there has been a quick response system in its supply chain management of Samworth brothers can try to reduce risk as well try to manage particular long term perspective in this regard. Therefore from implementing scheduling and its planning process can also try to perform a changed operation in the process. Hence the risk and resilience in value chain technique can also be implied as under-

  • Implement specific risk profile techniques for operation perspectives.
  • The risk management assessment will be useful for its commissioning techniques.
  • The food safety process will be useful in operating its food safety techniques for Samworth brothers.

On the other hand, the food safety process will try to provide specific utmost improvement when public health is in the concern for achieving its food security process. Hence to safeguard the general well being can try to improve the process for the company as a whole (Michel‐Villarreal et al.2019).


The supply chain process is a vital part of the organization that focuses on implementing appropriate production rate for the organization. The above study provides a suitable range of process for improving current supply chain process and manages operations. It offers a wide range of framework for rectifying the existing flaws in the supply chain process and controls activities in a suitable method. The sustainability of the models developed in the conceptual framework process assists in reducing any type of risks in the supply chain process. It helps in developing a primary back up method for Sam worth Brothers in improving existing supply chain process and manages operations. The implementation of an appropriate supply chain process is suitable for managing proper relation with the suppliers and develops a systematic process for the organization. It provides an appropriate framework for measuring and analyzing existing operations in the supply chain system and create future remedies for the Sam worth Brothers in the U.K.


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