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Workplace violence is an emerging concern in modern businesses

Workplace violence entails actions that threaten working order (Ulrich & Dulebohn, 2015).

It includes actions such as:

Verbal abuse

Sexual abuse (Martocchio, 2019).

Physical abuse


Workplace violence affect organizational relationships

Chiefly, workplace violence causes hatred and unrest in the firm.

For example, sexual abuse creates mistrust among employees

Physical abuse results in fear and stress

And finally, verbal harassment creates an unfavorable working environment

Consequently, the firm realizes reduced performance as employees are unproductive.

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Legal Consequences of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence causes legal implications.

Civil lawsuits explain that negligent retention or negligent hiring leads to workplace violence

(Martocchio, 2019).

For example, a manager faces a legal suit for negligently hiring a violent employee who causes workplace conflict.

Also, if the manager retains a dangerous employee who later causes harm to other workers, they are liable to legal suits.


Workplace violence leads to legal implications if the manager negligently hires violent employees.

For example, if a manager fails to perform a thorough background check during the hiring process, leading to the hiring of a criminal, then the manager is responsible for the act (Martocchio, 2019).

Besides, the manager is legally accountable for the harm a violent employee cause in the organization.




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Violence in the place of work reduces organizational output

Therefore, the management should prevent the occurrence of these cases through:

Performing a comprehensive background check on new workers to ensure that the firm hires responsible employees (Walsh, 2012).

Besides, implementing strict disciplinary measures in the workplace help control violent behavior.

These suggestions are appropriate as they instill discipline in the workplace.


Performing a background inspection on employees during the hiring process would prevent the hiring of errant employees.

This is true because the manager will detect employees with criminal records during the hiring process.

Also, punishing wrongdoers in the workplace would help reduce violence.

As a result, the firm would realize improved efficiency.

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Implementing the Introduced Measure

The manager should develop a team that will guide the firm during the change process.

Chiefly, the change process is complicated as employees resist change.

Therefore, the management should establish a workforce that would help the firm manage change easily.

The manager should implement the suggested change in the end-year.

The measure will ensure that the firm implements the recommended plan.


The change process is always complex as it entails modifying organizational policies.

Therefore, the manager should develop a workforce that will help implement the recommended measure.

Primarily, forming a group of employees to investigate ways of curbing workplace violence will help the manager determine improved means of controlling immoral behavior in the work of place.

The management should enact the proposed plan in end-year to enhance its success.




Martocchio, J. J. (2019). Human resource management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Ulrich, D., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2015). Are we there yet? What’s next for HR? Human Resource Management Review25(2), 188-204. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2015.01.004

Walsh, D. J. (2012). Employment law for human resource practice (4th ed.). South-Western: Cengage Learning.


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