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Dr. Amen’s Brain Thrive by 25 is an online course specifically designed to improve cognitive abilities through various classes and programs that focus on the development of the brain, how it functions, ways through which the mind is injured, and how to provide care and nurture to the brain. The course is appropriate for undergraduate or high school students who possess an opportunity to better their brain development as they scale up their career ladders.

I would recommend Dr. Amen’s “ Brain Thrive by 25” online course to my peers based on the following reasons.

It is Affordable.

Brain Thrive by 25 online courses is relatively cheap as compared to other classes that may be available online. For instance, if a person chooses the 135$ package, he/she will be able to obtain three undergraduate credits that will be transferable to the institution that he/she has or will enroll. Besides, the course ensures that their extra finances are put into a more meaningful use instead of wasting on buying items that don’t benefit them.

Focus on Young Students.

Dr. Amen’s course helps young learners achieve the best by bolstering their thinking capacities and brain development. Learners often face challenges involving academics, interaction, and communication. It is through “Brain Thrive by 25” that young learners get an opportunity to understand themselves and others better, and therefore lay a foundation for working with themselves and other people. Young students often fall prey to issues stemming from low self-esteem and negative thoughts. Dr perfectly highlights these issues.Amen’s course as hindrances to healthy brain development,  by taking this course, learners will be able to employ various strategies to learn faster, solve problems, and boost their thinking capabilities.

It addresses Drug abuse and Mental Health.

One of the essential features of “Brain Thrive by 25” is that it draws attention to drug and substance abuse and the effect on the brain. Alcohol and drug abuse have become a problem in society. Young students make up a large section of the population who abuse drugs due to factors such as peer pressure, lousy company,  among others. Dr. Amen’s course sensitizes learners on the ways through which the brain may get hurt, the importance of physical exercises, and mental wellness. Other courses may rarely or scantily address these issues.

It is easily accessible.

By creating an online course, Dr. Amen ensured that learners would not be involved in hassles involving registration, traveling, and booking classes. With recent technological innovations, a lot of time today is spent online either on entertainment, business, or interaction on social media .”Brain Thrive by 25” is a sure and beneficial way of spending time online learning and interacting with other students and instructors. Either learner can access the course for a lifetime at a relatively low cost; hence, they get to learn at their own pace without fear of timelines like in regular classes.




“Think Dirty” is a recent application designed to protect consumers by educating them on the potentially dangerous ingredients contained in products, and also by comparing brands. Users of the application can take pictures and scan codes of various products and obtain hazard scores based on the ingredients of the products.

Parabens are chemicals used in the preservation of beauty and skincare products that contain water. They are obtained from para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA), which occurs naturally in fruits such as blueberries and cucumbers. Some of the household products that contain Parabens include hair shampoo. Parabens have been linked with alteration of reproductive health by impairing and interfering with sexual behavior and healthy sexual brain development. Furthermore, as noted by (Hafeez & Huddart,2013), parabens have been linked with terminal diseases such as breast cancer.

Phthalates are chemical compounds used in the making of flexible construction and consumer products. In simpler terms, they are referred to as plasticizers. Humans can come into direct contact with phthalates through breathing, ingestion, and skin exposure. Phthalates are semi-volatile; therefore, they are not bound to the product. Phthalates that commonly occur in consumer goods include Bis (2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), Dimethyl phthalate (DMP), Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) Diethyl phthalate (DEP), Diisononyl phthalate (DINP) among others.

These chemicals disrupt hormones responsible for the production of testosterone, thereby interfering with the proper development and function of male productive organs. Recent research and studies have proven harmful effects of phthalates on humans. (Shu et al., 2013) notes that exposure to phthalates increases risks of Asthma on children living in houses with vinyl floors.

BRIGHTMINDS is an acronym coined by Dr. Amen in his examination of human vulnerability to brain damage. Each letter represents a risk factor to consider in keeping one’s mind safe. It comprises of B- blood flow, R-retirement, I-inflammation, G-genetics, H-head trauma, T-toxins, M-mental health, I-immunity/infection issues, N-neurohormone deficiencies, D-diabesity, and S- sleep issues. These factors should be put into consideration in developing and maintaining a healthy brain and sharp memory throughout one’s life.

Omega 3 fatty acids are common in natural foods such as salmon, trout, walnut, spinach, and green leafy vegetables shrimp, tuna, and sardines. Either skinned poultry and lean cuts of red meat are sources of Omega 3 fatty acids. According to  (Hampton 2014), omega three fatty acids possess more health benefits than just maintenance of body cells. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and heart diseases, reduces heart attack, and helps in combating obesity. Also, omega three fatty acids contribute to infant health.

According to Dr. Amen, the brain of a normal human being consists of  85% water. And it is through constant hydration that the brain can fully function without straining.

SPECT Is an acronym used to refer to Single Photo Emission Computerized Tomography(Willeumier et al., 2011). This scan allows the analysis of internal organs of the human body. It employs three-dimensional cameras and radioactive substances to not only show the structures inside the body but also how they are functioning.

Dr. Amen examines factors that may contribute to loss of brain reserve, which has long term effects in thinking, organization, and wellness of a human being. Using Mary and Katie’s case, who was born as identical twins, Dr amen points out that negligible factors may lead to loss of brain. In this context, Katie, who suffered a fall during her childhood, got injured on her head. Though she received medical attention, she had suffered a brain injury, thereby reducing her brain reserve, which later affected her abilities to organize herself, work, and interact with other people. On the other hand, mary did not sustain injuries; therefore, her brain reserve remained intact and helped her in coping with life problems as well as organizing her family, work, and self.

Brain health is a vital aspect of human health that is given s little attention.  The life changes recommended by Dr. Amen can not only help in the development of a healthy brain but also in changing and restoring brain health. Besides, the changes recommended by Dr. amen to maintain good brain health also have benefits to the other parts of my body.

I am grateful today for having an opportunity to learn on the ways of developing and maintaining a healthy brain courtesy of Dr. amen and Also, I am thankful to Dr. Amen on venturing and working to improve learners thinking abilities through the introduction of an online course whereby learners get to enhance their cognitive skills. Either, I am grateful for the exposure to knowledge on which products n foods that have adverse on brain health and overall wellness through the information provided by Dr. Amen and his team.






Hafeez, S., & Huddart, R. (2013). Advances in bladder cancer imaging. BMC Medicine, 11(1). doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-104

Hampton, T. (2014). Mechanism Behind Omega-3 Fatty Acids’ Heart Benefits. JAMA, 312(9), 882. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.11282

Huan Shu, Bo A, Jonsson, Malin, Larson, Eeewa Nanberg, and Carl Gustaf Bornehag (2013). PVC- flooring at home and the development of Asthma among young children in Sweden;  a 10 year follow up. International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health. .12074.

Willeumier, K., Taylor, D., & Amen, D. (2011). Elevated BMI Is Associated With Decreased Blood Flow in the Prefrontal Cortex Using SPECT Imaging in Healthy Adults. Obesity, 19(5), 1095-1097. doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.16



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