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The Swedish Social Democracy model

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The Swedish Social Democracy model

The Swedish Social Democracy model was built on three major pillars that focused on conditioning the attitudes of citizens towards competition, individualization, and privatization. The country developed a welfare model that focused on economic growth as well as the increasing universalism policies that required equal treatment both economically, in the labour market, and the welfare arena. The model focused on the welfare of people as individuals rather than commodifying them and concentrate on profiting while neglecting the welfare of the workers (Lapidus, 2015). The model required employers to consider the healthcare of their workers.

Additionally, the system ensures equal treatment of all people in the employment sector and the welfare arena. The policy demands that employers must treat all people working in the same environment with the same level of skills and experience equally without discrimination. Therefore, employers could not use the skills of their employees to profit themselves at the expense of their workers. Moreover, employees worked in fields where their service would be beneficial to both the employer as well as individually. The model considered the overall value of each employee as assets of the institution rather than objects for gaining wealth (Brandal, Bratberg & Thorsen, 2013). Therefore, the attitude of people conditioned them to be beneficial to both the industry and to themselves.

Moreover, the attitude of the society towards competition was conditioned in a manner that facilitated positive competition amongst employees, industries, and agencies in a way that would ensure development in the respective business. The competition policy oversaw constructive competition amongst organizations by somewhat giving all players in the industry equal opportunities and level ground to grow (Brandal, Bratberg & Thorsen, 2013). By so doing, various upcoming institutions grew due to fair competition, thus expanding the economy of Sweden. Therefore, the Swedish Social Democracy model was an essential component of economic growth, as it focused on decommodifying people in the society.

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