The Woebot
The Woebot is an automated Chatbot that helps its clients to monitor their moods and learn about themselves. Woebots can present as applications that can be downloaded from the apps store and provide valuable information to their users about anxiety and depression by assessing their moods. The application can handle its work by responding to questions asked by their users based on cognitive behavior therapy. The app uses a comprehensive combination of natural language, mental expertise, and excellent choice of humor and excellent writing to create a user-friendly environment for the people to open up about their problems. The use of Woebot has reduced depression and anxiety among the young generation, with 85% of its’ users rating it at five stars. Also, the application is still on its conception stage and can only communicate through English. It is still under construction to enable the use of subtitles in the future.
AI chatbots such as Woebots utilize artificial intelligence to analyze the users’ input and generate a favorable response. For an individual to access a chatbot, they should have access to android/iPhone or a computer and internet connectivity. Also, the user should have a valid and working email before searching for their desired chatbot. When the client searches for ‘Woebot’ or any other type of chatbot, they will be prompted to the Woebots’ home page and a button saying ‘hello,’ ‘my name is Mibot’, and ‘I’m glad you reached out.’ Then, it may continue with ‘my mission is to assess your anxiety and depression symptoms and provide valuable information.’ The prompts may also suggest that you log in through your Facebook accounts or anonymously through your device, iPhone, or PC. After selecting the sign-up options, you will be prompted to download the app, after which you are supposed to agree on their terms and conditions. On agreeing to the terms and conditions of the app, the user can then navigate through the setting section and answer short survey questions, which are meant to identify your areas of interest. The user can then realize their mood through emoji support and the thoughts underlying the feeling.
There are various things chatbot users should know before signing up for assistance. The bots use artificial intelligence to handle their requests and give valuable feedback. However, some questions may be too complicated, and the chatbot may frustrate them rather than help them. They should, therefore, pick on contexts and intentions to make answering of questions easier, quick, and accurate. Also, they should have patience and tolerance because, just like any other machine, the chatbots may make some customer service mistakes. They should not expect a quick response as the AI might be slow, and their requests may be too complicated for the machines. The app also checks on its users’ daily location, what you are doing, and asks them to describe their mood using an emoji. If the user does not need the services of Woebot or is bothered by the frequent notifications, they can opt-out by tapping the toolbox icon and send the message requesting to delete their accounts. The Woebot will then guide you through the process of removing your account.
The psychologists should note that the Woebot is not a replacement for their profession. They are and will always be the need to have traditional or rather the individual therapy as there is no replacement of human connection. The use of Woebot is just as an additional resource or a supplement as it is available in a very distinct way compared to human therapists. Also, they should note that the Woebot can only offer therapeutic assistance, unlike their services, which entail both therapy and treatment in severe cases. Some patients may not afford the cost of a Chabot, if at all there is, and may resort to individual therapy, which in most cases is affordable and can handle severe cases. Therapy bots also lack empathy, need a lot of supervision to avoid accidents, and cannot analyze the patients’ past diagnosis, diseases, and trauma. Thus, psychologists should note that they still and will play a significant role in mental health.
Therapy bots are very advantageous in that; they are user-friendly, are available at any time, and are programmed differently compared to human therapists. In some cases, human therapists may be quite expensive compared to Chatbots, such as the Woebot, which is way cheaper or even free. The Woebot can be used for help, mental support, and companionship. Also, the Woebot is readily available since most people have access to smartphones and the internet, and with just a tap on an icon, they can access mental assistance. It also has a great sense of humor and can help people who are experiencing a hard time adapting to different work stations, dealing with heartbreaks, and any human problems that may cause a mental breakdown. It is not a replacement for human therapy but rather, advancement in technology that allows people to keep track of their psychological treatment without human therapy. It gives a real-time engagement as if one is with a social psychologist, and also, the user is at liberty of stating which type of conversation they would like to set up.