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Diabetes is known to be an ailment that the body obtains when it finds it hard to produce the correct insulin amounts. This may result in high levels of blood glucose, which can result in having adverse effects on your body’s functional elements. It is important to note that insulin is a type of hormone that usually uses glucose from food and replenishes our bodies with energy. Medical experts say that type 2 diabetes often occurs when our bodies cannot adequately produce enough insulin or use it when it is produced.



People who have type 2 diabetes often present several symptoms that are easily recognized by doctors during a check-up. Some patients with type 2 diabetes always feel like urinating all the time. Regular urination is one of the foremost symptoms among type 2 diabetes patients. Another sign is where someone may feel very thirsty, especially after having regular urination patterns. This will make someone feel like taking large amounts of water due to thirst. Other signs include feeling tired most of the time, sudden weight loss, weak or blurry vision, and increased rate of infections from fungal and bacterial growth.


There are other factors to examine when determining the reason as to why some people get the disease while others don’t. People who have a family history of diabetes or are involved with taking alcohol or drugs have a high risk of getting type 2 diabetes. It is crucial that once they observe the above symptoms, they should immediately see a doctor for further tests to be done. When type 2 diabetes is discovered earlier, it can easily be controlled or even reversed if possible. Therefore, people must keep a healthy lifestyle to prevent being infected by the disease. A healthy lifestyle may include factors such as having a low-fat diet, intake of proteins and vitamins, and regular exercises to help in losing weight.


Medication Adherence

It is essential for patients who have type 2 to receive education on prescription adherence. This will help them to get healed and prevent any further health complications from taking place. The factors that associate with non-compliance with medication adherence of type 2  diabetes mellitus are an increase in outpatient costs, diabetes difficulties, and regular emergency room visits. The non-patient factors include a lack of advanced healthcare systems in health centers, demographic determinants of a patient, such as education, income, culture, and treatment costs.


Medical studies have shown that the reason behind non-adherence to medication by patients is the lack of information as well as the patient’s ignorance on the matter. Reports from the World Health Organization indicate that patients with type 2 diabetes range from 40% to 95% due to different medical strategies. Patients that have this ailment should continuously receive medication treatments to reduce the risk of long term illnesses. An essential element for diabetes health care is drug therapy, which helps in the reduction of the ailment. Frequent intake of prescribed medication will help in eradicating and controlling type 2 diabetes among affected patients. Some of the prescriptions for glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes include Glinides, Metformin, Insulin, and Glycosidase inhibitors, among others.


Patient Awareness

Receiving knowledge on medication adherence will enable patients to be more aware of the wellness implications caused by diabetes, such as hypoglycemia and ways of managing these symptoms.

When a patient is exposed to the effects of type 2 diabetes, they will ensure that they adhere to their treatments as prescribed by their doctors. A benefit obtained from complying with medication adherence is the definite remedy outcomes that are derived from patients through prescription therapy and the intake of prescribed medicines following a doctor’s advice. This will also lead to a positive relationship between a patient and the medication provider, which will encourage a patient to become well and within the shortest time possible.


By obtaining medical adherence to medication and treatment of type 2 diabetes, positive outcomes will be achieved among patients. These may include factors such as weight loss and glycemic control. This will lead to an enhanced treatment procedure and a sense of commitment amongst patients with type 2 diabetes leading to the treatment and diagnosis of the ailment. These preventive strategies will help in advancing the livelihood of communities and increase the awareness of type 2 diabetes. Eventually, there will be positive medicinal significant values such as patient-practitioner relationships, a decrease of diabetes complications, and reduced well-being costs.

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