utilization of secondary data
The method used was the utilization of secondary data from articles. These are peer-reviewed journal articles that fall along with the topic of study and which have already compiled data needed. The research, therefore, further synthesized the data according to the variables and provided conclusive results. The population being used as the sample was a compilation of five articles which had a common aspect of discussing the use of police force. A literature review was to be used to gather data and develop information for the study. Collecting data from the articles’ findings alongside the variables being tested provided for a way of establishing the data needed for the research. It is a simple method that does not entail the collection of primary data from the field while ensuring that the data used is based on credible and academic processes.
All of the articles used contributed data towards the role of race in determining the use of police force. As peer-reviewed journal articles on the use of police force as well the effect of racial identity on the opinion of the same, they were essential and a necessity for gathering the data. Two of the articles, however, did not explicitly acknowledge the role of white racial identity in supporting police violence. However, they acknowledged that indeed, blacks are more likely to oppose the use of police force, whether in excess or moderated measures. None of the participants (articles) failed to contribute to the study. Without the use of actual people, there was no demographic information used in the study.
Dependent Variable
This is the constant variable on which the study is pegged. In the research, the population being studied has this variable as a constant. The racial opinion and stand on police use of force was the dependent variable in this study. The study was aimed at determining which of the two major races supported or opposed the use of police force. Whether the blacks of whites supported the use of police force on citizens was the variable that was being studied and which was to vary.
Independent Variable
This is the value that varies and is being measured by the study. Changes noted on it are used to derive data. The independent variable, in this case, is the use of police force, which is constant throughout the population being studied. Since the opinion of the races on the police force was what was being investigated, the fact that the police force was not variant makes it the independent variable. The articles used to gather data are all contributing literature towards issues concerning police force. It was this variable to which the dependent variable was pegged.
The research provided data that was impactful on the field of study as well as the research topic. The goal of this research was to establish which class of people, based on race, are more likely to favor or oppose the use of police force on people. People belonging to a race or class considered to be higher in social rankings are likely to approve the use of police force. In this case, therefore, people who were of the white race were more likely to support the use of the police force. On the other hand, black individuals were more likely to be opposed to the use of police force. Summarily, white people are more likely to support the use of police force that black people.