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Week 1 Discussion RE: Discussion Prompt

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Week 1 Discussion RE: Discussion Prompt

            Hospital improvement is a vital aspect that should be approached from both the business and clinical perspectives. As much as the primary goal of a hospital is to provide care to the population, it should as well strive to maintain a profitable culture for the operations to go on smoothly. In the first place, hospitals should aim at improving the overall patient experience to attract a large pool of patients willing to be treated from the facilities. Overall improvement of safety and quality can be done to ensure the patient’s overall experience is enhanced. The healthcare facility can put in measures to ensure the patient’s call buttons are functional and well-attended to. Such a measure can be effective in reducing hospital falls, thus improving the patient’s overall experience.

Improved patient outcomes can be ensured through proper management of infections in the facility to reduce the chances of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Healthcare facilities can engage in infection control by using evidence-based practices like keeping the environment clean and wearing protective clothing when tending to patients. The last thing to happen to a patient is getting HAIs since it could increase their stay in the hospital and also increase their healthcare costs, which the hospital will have to cater to. Reduction in costs, on the other hand, can be managed through assessing procedures performed for possible cost reductions. For instance, a hospital can decide to consider ordering multiple-day orders at a single session. Indeed, doing duplicate, daily, and repetitive lab testing can be costly, hence proper management of the operations can be useful in reducing costs without sacrificing patient care.

Optimization of payment, on the other hand, can be ensured through internet-based medical billing, hence providing client with a range of options to make payments from. Online payment options can enable patients to offset their medical bills more quickly and conveniently (Gruessner, n.d.). Keeping up with online payment technology can be effective in increasing and optimizing potential client payments, and all hospitals should tap into that field to facilitate proper hospital improvement.


Gruessner, V. (n.d.). Top 5 Ways to Optimize Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management. RevCycleIntelligence. Retrieved from:



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