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Why America Should End the Federal Prohibition of Cannabis.

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Why America Should End the Federal Prohibition of Cannabis.


Table of Content.


Table of Content. 2

Abstract. 4

Introduction. 4

Statement of the Problem. 5

Objective of the Study. 5

Literature Review. 6

Research Question and Hypothesis. 8

Methodology. 8

Research Design. 8

Rationale for the Choice of this Method. 9

Participants. 9

Location of Research. 9

Data Gathering Techniques. 9

Data Analysis. 10

Boundaries of Research. 10

Timetable for Research. 10

Expected Outcomes. 10

Conclusion. 10

Work Cited. 11



Why America Should End the Federal Prohibition of Cannabis.


The research will focus on a little bit about the onset of the prohibition of cannabis and some of the reasons why America should end the federal prohibition of cannabis and some of the consequences that have occurred since the prohibition began.


The prohibition of cannabis began between 1916 and the year 1931. During this time, twenty-nine states prohibited cannabis. There is an act called “The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937”. This act prohibited cannabis in the US even though there were associations that were against this ban. One of the associations that were against this ban was the American Medical Association. This association argued that cannabis had some medical use that patients can benefit from (Little). Since then, the government has been so strict with punishing individuals who were charged with cannabis use. There are several reasons why the government banned the use of cannabis, according to (Little), one of the reasons was the dismay of the Mexican migrants. This led to the government prohibiting the use of cannabis. Although the ban had several advantages, some disadvantages have occurred (Little).



Statement of the Problem.

The US should consider bringing to an end the prohibition of the use of cannabis. This is because several advantages will arise. The nation will gain a lot from the end of this ban because it makes some of the users not to benefit from several freedoms that the constitution state likes the freedom of expression. Several states have turned to create some business from cannabis to generate revenue for the tax payment (Krane).

Objectives of the Study.

  • To examine some of the benefits the United States of America will gain if the prohibition will come to an end and how soon should the prohibition come to an end.
  • To examine some of the negative outcomes that came up since the introduction of the prohibition of cannabis.
  • How a person can conduct a researcher based on this topic.



Literature Review.

In this sector, the researcher will analyze why America should end the prohibition of cannabis under the following:

  • If the prohibition has worked or not.
  • The benefits of cannabis to the economy.
  • Side effects of the prohibition to the environment,
  • How the arrest of individuals who use and poses cannabis has shifted the focus of the real crime.
  • The arrest of cannabis criminals.

Several records show that the prohibition has not worked as expected when it began and over time. When it was officially prohibited in the year 1937, a small number of people in the US heard of the prohibition. In this era, the database of the government of the US indicates that more than one hundred and eighteen people have testified of using cannabis. Last month alone, the number of people who testified was at twenty-four million and this number seems to be growing every year. According to research, eight out of ten high school students testify that cannabis is easy to obtain just like other legal goods (Marijuana Policy).

According to (Evans), the cannabis business has improved greatly over time compared to other legal businesses that have not brought any impact on the economy of the US. The businesses have incurred more than fifty-two billion US dollars. This has contributed greatly to the economy. The countries that have authorized the use of cannabis have benefited from it and most of them barely regret the idea.

Unauthorized people who grow cannabis in their areas tend to use pesticides that are prohibited by the laws which protect the environment as a whole. These guys also redirect water channels and transport and, in the end, they leave unhealthy wastes in areas where they grow cannabis and parks too (Marijuana Policy). With the end of the prohibition of cannabis, the growth of this plant will be monitored and regulated with the organization in charge of keeping the environment safe.

According to the records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation two years ago, there were more than six hundred and sixty thousand arrests that were made from people involving themselves with the business and use of cannabis (Marijuana Policy). This number was more than the number of other violent crimes such as rape, robbery, and burglary. In Colorado and Washington alone, several crimes have been solved after legalization. With the end of prohibition of cannabis, the crime rate related to it will reduce too.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has records from the year 1995 that more than fifteen million arrests were made by law enforcers. Some individuals were not convicted who went ahead and became presidents. According to (The Blue Review) cannabis conviction can hinder an individual from accessing important resources such as the permission to own firearms, licenses such as driving licenses, loans given to students among others

Research Question and Hypothesis.

  • Will the end of prohibition be of cannabis be of any importance to the US?
  • What are some of the benefits that will arise from the end of this prohibition?
  • Are there any regulations in place to control the use of cannabis?

Several countries have benefitted from the end of prohibition of cannabis. A good example is Spain. The country has benefitted greatly since it ended the prohibition of cannabis. If the US would end this prohibition, there are several benefits ahead. The government should consider bringing the prohibition to an end soon.


Research Design.

I used both quantitative and qualitative methods when carrying out this research. The qualitative method is essential because it does not just focus on what individuals think about the end of prohibition of cannabis but also why they think about this idea (Ashley Crossman). The quantitative part is important because it tends to focus on certain individuals (Bhat). The respondents are randomly selected to participate in this research. This method makes use of materials such as questionnaires.

Rationale for the Choice of this Method.

Qualitative research is essential because the respondents who participated in this research gave feedback openly. They will also have a choice of sharing their experience. Some of the respondents preferred not to answer some questions that I asked them and I respected their choice.


Anybody who felt like participating in this research was allowed to take part. The individuals who are users of cannabis, those who have businesses related to cannabis, and those who have relatives who use cannabis were of great importance. In simple terms, all personnel was welcomed to participate.

Location of Research.

I conducted this research in all the states that I could get access to. Some of the cities that were of great importance in this research were: New York (8,537,673 people), Los Angeles and California (3,976,322 people), Chicago and Illinois (2,704,958 people), Houston and Texas (2,303,482 people), Phoenix and Arizona (1,615,017 people) among others (M. A. and B. A.).

Data Gathering Techniques.

I used the following table to conduct my research:

End of Prohibition of Cannabis Research Table.
LocationNo. of RespondentsYesNo
New York20018020


Data Analysis.

According to my research, the majority of the people are in for the idea of ending the prohibition of cannabis

Boundaries of Research.

I recorded accurately the data which I collected without any alteration and the analyst did his job and came up with a summary.

Timetable for Research.

I made use of the following table when conducting my research:

LocationNumber of Respondents
New York200


Expected Outcomes.

I did not take a lot of time researching a single individual because I had a great area to cover geographically. This made me get access to several individuals by the end of the anticipated time of research. Some respondents will give feedback openly because they thought the idea of ending this prohibition will be of great importance to the nation and them. Others did not participate because they were on the same side with the government of prohibiting cannabis.


According to my research, the government will benefit from ending the prohibition of cannabis. It’s not just the government, but also the citizens of the US. One way the US will gain from ending this prohibition is the improvement in the economy because there are resources that are being used currently in the fight of cannabis which can be used in other projects if this prohibition could come to an end.


Despite the fact that there are a few individuals who are ok with the prohibition of cannabis, the government should change this because there are several benefits. The government should use Spain as an example. The country has benefited greatly since it ended the prohibition of Cannabis. There is no need to continue fighting the war of prohibiting cannabis because it’s a war the government lost before it even began.


Work Cited.

Ashley Crossman. “What Is Qualitative Research?” ThoughtCo, 2 Feb. 2020, Accessed 29 May 2020.

Bhat, Adi. “Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, Types, and Examples | QuestionPro.” QuestionPro, 3 Dec. 2018, Accessed 30 May 2020.

Evans, Pat. “8 Incredible Facts about the Booming US Marijuana Industry.” Markets.Businessinsider.Com,, 7 May 2019, Accessed 29 May 2020.

Krane, Kris. “Cannabis Legalization Is Key To Economic Recovery, Much Like Ending Alcohol Prohibition Helped Us Out Of The Great Depression.” Forbes, 26 May 2020, Accessed 29 May 2020.

Little, Becky. “Why the U.S. Made Marijuana Illegal.” HISTORY, Sept. 2018, Accessed 29 May 2020.

Caulkins, Jonathan P., and Beau Kilmer. “Considering marijuana legalization carefully: insights for other jurisdictions from analysis for Vermont.” Addiction 111.12 (2016): 2082-2089.


  1. A., Geography, and Geography B. A. “The Largest U.S. Cities Based on Population.” ThoughtCo, 9 July 2019, Accessed 29 May 2020.


Marijuana Policy, Project. “Top 10 Reasons to End Marijuana Prohibition.” MPP, 2020, Accessed 29 May 2020.

The Blue Review. “How Marijuana Legalization Would Benefit the Criminal Justice System – The Blue Review.” The Blue Review, The Blue Review, 13 Jan. 2020, Accessed 30 May 2020.


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