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 3 Ways to Deal with Poker Variance

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 3 Ways to Deal with Poker Variance


It does not matter how much experience you have or how good you are at poker; you will always have a losing streak. During this phase, you will feel like all the odds are against you. This period could go for days or even months, which could profoundly affect your finances.

Such downswings periods are what are referred to as variance, and every player at one point must go through the phase. Poker is a game of math; there is a probability of losing at some point, and you cannot ignore this factor.


What makes a great poker player different from any average player is how they deal with their variance. A lousy run could affect your ability to make the right decisions making you eventually lose your bankroll. Here are some ways to help deal with the downswings.


  1. Embracing the Variance

Coming to terms with variance is the first step in dealing with it. Most prayers are in denial and find it hard to accept that they will be on the losing end at some point.

Accepting the fact that the cards will not always side with you helps you handle it better when it comes your way. It might be annoying, but understanding what is happening makes you more prepared to handle it.


  1. Know When to Quit Playing


Most beginners always find it hard to quit praying when it’s time to stop. Such practices will often cost you a lot of money as they are critical in deciding your variance. Building a habit of quitting at the right time will improve your game and save you a lot of cash.

Quitting too early when you are still winning will be costly just like not stopping when you have a poor run. It would be best if you took that as a sign to quit playing when you cannot concentrate on the game anymore. If you realize you are feeling tired and not enjoying the game anymore, then it’s time to close for the day.


  1. Stick To Your Bankroll Management


Players will always try to go after their losses by risking more after a bad run. Every experienced player knows this is a bad idea but will try to use the same method to recover. Increasing your limits to increase returns might seem like a great idea, but it only means the loss will be higher.


The best way to handle the variance would be to stick to your limits and use the remaining bankroll on a brighter day.


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