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Visual Art

3 ways to Improve Data Visualizations

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3 ways to Improve Data Visualizations

Data visualization involves presenting data in a way that makes it easier to apprehend. You can display data in pictorial or graphical format in an attempt to help the audience understand its importance. Data visualization is significant because it helps in combining complex, massive volumes of data into pictures that can communicate information quickly and effectively. It is easier to identify sections of the data that need instant improvement as well as address and simplify complex issues.

How to improve data visualization

To create compelling visuals, you must entirely and deeply understand your data. Here are three things you can do to improve your data visualization significantly;

Develop a preference for simplicity and clarity

The use of simple ideas can easily understand your data visualizations. This can is done by getting rid of excess elements such as; unnecessary illustrations, chart junk o even stripes. In case you want to make a point you can sparingly use italics or bold. Tackle every detail in your data and show how every section plays a key role in the data content. Once the data visualization has been simplified you need to clarify it in a way such that, your visual format depends on your unique data story and the relationship within.

Choose visualization wisely

Use the most appropriate visualization to get desired outcome. For example, use scatterplots to show the relationship between quantities as well as understand that patterns of change are best represented with line charts.

Command attention

Draw the attention of your audience to the most important parts of your data visualization. Instead of using dashes to imply multiple meanings, use solid lines since they are more powerful and confident. You can also draw attention by adding trend lines. Once you have clarified your point make it obvious. All this adjustments will lead your audience to faster understanding.


In conclusion, a good data visualization should make it easy for the target audience to understand the concept by communicating the data set clearly and effectively.



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