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5 Food to Eat on the Leaky Gut Diet Plan and 5 Foods to Avoid

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5 Food to Eat on the Leaky Gut Diet Plan and 5 Foods to Avoid

Leaky gut, which is also intestinal permeability, is when the small intestinal lines get damaged, causing toxic waste products, bacteria, and undigested food particles to leak from the gut into the body. Small intestines have barriers between the gut that helps in the regulation of anything inflowing your bloodstream, but with a leaky gut, it loses its functionality, causing numerous health issues.

Whatever you eat is what leads to a leaky gut or can be caused by certain medications that you consume. A leaky gut might start as a small irritation in your intestines, and with its continuous occurrence, it then leads to intestinal permeability.

Not even doctors have the answer as to what causes leaky gut, but we have quite several foods that are sufficient in helping repair your digestive tract and restoring your permeability. It is recommended to consume food which moderates irritation in your intestines. Let’s look at five foods that are best and five foods that are worse to include in your leaky gut diet plan.

Five best food for your leaky Gut Diet Plan

It is best to choose food that will help your bacteria grow healthy. Having unhealthy bacteria in your gut will cause severe health problems. Everyone gets to benefit from a nutritious and balanced diet. It is best if you have a good idea of what you consume. You should focus on consuming food that nourishes and energizes your body without having a strain. These foods include;

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is not only good for your body, but it is the best anti-inflammatory. It is rich in carotenoids, vitamins, and flavonoids. Researchers have proven that steaming your broccoli before eating has additional health benefits.

  1. Avocado

It is one of the best non-animal fat, which comes naturally as an anti-inflammatory. It has natural lipids that help in your digestive system and keeping your body healthy and enough of lean fats.

  1. Salmon

It is rich in fatty acids and omega-3, which help in keeping your brain healthy, doing away with inflammatory, and building your joints. It also has omega-6, omega-9, and lean fats, which develop your body health in general. Salmon is also rich in proteins and vitamin B that helps you to stay slim and avoid obesity. Salmon has a high concentration of oil, which can help you to ease arthritis and joint pain.

  1. Walnuts

Walnuts are sufficient with phytonutrients and omega-3, just like salmon, which is a good idea to stop inflammation and easing joint pains caused by arthritis. They are also rich in healthy fats and proteins, which is a good idea to add to your diet.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and quercetin properties that help in repairing your leaky gut and protecting the body from getting numerous occurrences of the disease. Apart from that, blueberries are rich with fiber and vitamins A, K, and C, which is essential to healing the leaky gut.

Five Food to Avoid When You Have a Leaky Gut

There was quite some food to avoid when you got a leaky gut, and this is to have your gut heal ultimately. You should take note of the food that won’t lead to inflammatory or causing intestinal permeability. The foods are;

  1. Refined and processed sugar

Bacteria do get an excellent chance to overgrow when you consume sugar. Sugar is almost in everything that we consume, not only in sweets ranging from wheat flour to alcohol. And it will be a good idea to avoid refined sugar as anything sugary has yeast, which creates candida. It will be best to avoid food made with a refined sugar to help your gut heal well. Make sure you also try to sidestep high fructose corn syrup.

  1. Vegetable oils

The hydrogenated and refined vegetable can block arteries and cause a more extensive amount of irritation to your body; this means you should try and avoid it as much as possible. If you must use oil in your food, stick to grass-fed butter or olive oil. Make sure you try to avoid food which is cooked and fried by oil at all cost to give your gut an easy time to heal.

  • Refined carbohydrates

Try to avoid refined carbs during your gut healing time. It is said that refined carbs can cause inflammation to your guts and leading to the growth of bacteria in the gut. It doesn’t matter whether you can accommodate gluten or not, stay away from it during the healing time. If you must take carbohydrates, take whole grains to moderate inflammation.

  1. Processed meats

Processed meat is loaded with advanced glycation products, which has a high capability of causing diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. Make sure you always consume meat, which is grass-fed and organic.

  1. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners do have the ability to impact your gut healing process negatively as they can damage your central nervous system. They are not suitable for your consumption, even if they don’t have sugar. Just make sure you stay away from it

It will be a good idea to have your diet plan fixed by your doctor. This is a way to figure out what works best for you and the kind of food top avoid. You should always try and avoid taking food that leads to inflammation. Always include some supplements and food rich in fiber in your diet to enable healthy growth of your gut bacteria. As it has no specific treatment available in hospitals. It will be best if you take other measures to have a healthy gut like; increasing your water absorption, reduce the use of irritating drugs and medications. Reduce intake of spicy food, and lastly, do take proteins and fiber meals that don’t contribute to gas production and fermentation in small quantities. People with a leaky gut may find that eating meals in small portions throughout the day following a particular schedule helps in managing their symptoms. Also, try to maintain your fluids intake to help in your digestion and intestinal permeability.



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