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Ectopic Pregnancy

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Ectopic Pregnancy

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In instances of ordinary pregnancy, the treated egg goes from the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterine wall. However, in some cases, this may not occur, and the inseminated egg might attach itself where it’s not supposed to.  When a fertilized egg is attached to any other place apart from the uterus, it is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy (Bhagyashree, 2020). The first documentation of ectopic pregnancy was in 1694 during g a routine autopsy of a female prisoner condemned to death and prosecuted.  For one to comprehend ectopic pregnancy completely, one must have an away from the normal physiology of origination, how and why things can turn out badly to cause ectopic pregnancy, how it is analyzed, and how it is dealt with (Bhagyashree, 2020).

Overview of ectopic pregnancy

Approximately one in one hundred thousand ectopic pregnancies, the fetus can actually make its way out of the fallopian tube and can attach itself anywhere inside its mother’s abdomen.  In sporadic cases, such as baby Nhlahla, who was born in South Africa in 2003, the embryo attaches itself to the liver, which is a very rich blood source for the fetus. Doctors knew that the baby was not inside the uterus and was growing inside the liver due to a previous scan that had been done. The doctors found a small ‘window’ where they were able to proceed surgically to deliver the baby; this small window was where the amniotic sac connected to the outside of the liver. Baby Nhlahla was indeed a miracle baby. Most extrauterine (out of the uterus) babies will not survive even just a few weeks. Also though this can be a bleak subject because it is rare that the fetus can survive, it is an exciting topic and paints a picture of one aspect of pregnancy that could go airy for any woman.


Ectopic pregnancy can occur due to a variety of reasons. However, in most cases that have occurred, there is no clear identification of the cause. Ectopic pregnancy can occur due to a variety of reasons. However, in most cases that have occurred, there is no clear identification of the object. Some of the risk factors that may cause an ectopic pregnancy to occur are; fiery pelvic infection, past exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), tubal medical surgery, intrauterine medical procedure,  and tubal ligation (Bhagyashree, 2020).

Tube Damage

Tube damage is one of the most common causes of ectopic pregnancy. At the point when the inseminated egg gets connected to the fallopian tube, it prompts tubal pregnancy (Du et al. 2016).  In the fallopian tube, there are hair-like cilia whose primary purpose is to transport the fertilized egg top the uterus where it gets fertilized. In several cases of ectopic pregnancy, there is always an observation of the reduction of the number of fallopian cilia, leading to a hypothesis that damage fallopian cilia might be one of the causes of ectopic pregnancies.  Tubal pregnancy has shown consistency in women who smoke.  Smoking in women poses a threat to the fallopian cilia.  The harm in cilia builds the time require for the treated egg to arrive at the uterus hence driving its connection in the fallopian tube (Du et al. 2016). The egg will bring forth from the non-cement zona pellucida and lead to implantation of the prepared egg inside the fallopian tube, prompting ectopic pregnancy.

Tubal ligation

Tubal litigation can lead to ectopic pregnancy. When the tubal sterilization is reversed, it can cause a risk for ectopic pregnancy. Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization, whereby the women’s fallopian tube is blocked or permanently removed (Tak, 2019). The chances increased when women chose a more destructive procedure such as tubal cautery or partial removal of the tube other than safer surgery such as tubal clipping. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases the occurrence to about 11%.  Removal of the affected tube does not assure that the phenomenon will occur, even though it appears to be healthy. Ultrasound will be the best way to detect such pregnancy (Tak, 2019).

Pelvic Seditious Disease (PID)

Odds of an event of ectopic gravidity increment in ladies who experience the ill effects of pelvic incendiary sickness (PID) is high.PID usually occurs in the fallopian tube leading to the development of wounds. When the wound heals to form scars tissues. With scar tissues in the fallopian tube, the tubal cilia will not develop; therefore, there would be no means for the fertilized egg to be transported to the uterus (Tak, 2019). Also, when the scar tissue increases, they can block the fallopian tube, which will prevent the fertilized egg from moving the uterus, thus leading to ectopic pregnancy. If the scars completely blocked the fallopian tube, there will be neither occurrence of the ectopic pregnancy nor normal pregnancy.


Symptoms such as abdominal pain, spotting, bleeding, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and low blood pressure on pregnant women can be a good indication of an ectopic pregnancy (Du et al. 2016).  To fully confirm the problem, several tests are conducted on the patient. Such a diagnosis includes a blood test, which is meant to confirm the level of her hormones. Also, ultrasound could be used to detect where the fetus is developing.


Treatment of ectopic pregnancy depends on its severity.  However, the sad truth is that the treatment of the pregnancy will not lead to the development of the fetus (Bhagyashree, 2020).  The only treatment that assures mothers survival is the termination of the pregnancy. This procedure is known as therapeutic abortion. Also, the mother can be injected with a drug known as methotrexate or surgical removal of the fetus.




Du, T., Fan, Y., Chen, Q., Lyu, Q., & Kuang, Y. (2016). Recurrence risk of ectopic pregnancy is not increased for patients with previous ectopic pregnancy compared with those without previous ectopic pregnancy in frozen blastocyst transfer cycles: a study based on more than 30,000 cycles. Fertility And Sterility106(3), e24-e25. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.07.082

Bhagyashree, D. (2020). A Case of Heterotopic Pregnancy- Right Cornual Ruptured Ectopic with Non-Viable Intrauterine Pregnancy. Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research08(04). doi: 10.18535/jmscr/v8i4.33

Tak, P. (2019). A Clinical Study on Ectopic Pregnancy. Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research7(12). doi: 10.18535/jmscr/v7i12.24






Ectopic Pregnancy

Students Name

Institutional Affiliation


In instances of ordinary pregnancy, the treated egg goes from the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterine wall. However, in some cases, this may not occur, and the inseminated egg might attach itself where it’s not supposed to.  When a fertilized egg is attached to any other place apart from the uterus, it is referred to as an ectopic pregnancy (Bhagyashree, 2020). The first documentation of ectopic pregnancy was in 1694 during g a routine autopsy of a female prisoner condemned to death and prosecuted.  For one to comprehend ectopic pregnancy completely, one must have an away from the normal physiology of origination, how and why things can turn out badly to cause ectopic pregnancy, how it is analyzed, and how it is dealt with (Bhagyashree, 2020).

Overview of ectopic pregnancy

Approximately one in one hundred thousand ectopic pregnancies, the fetus can actually make its way out of the fallopian tube and can attach itself anywhere inside its mother’s abdomen.  In sporadic cases, such as baby Nhlahla, who was born in South Africa in 2003, the embryo attaches itself to the liver, which is a very rich blood source for the fetus. Doctors knew that the baby was not inside the uterus and was growing inside the liver due to a previous scan that had been done. The doctors found a small ‘window’ where they were able to proceed surgically to deliver the baby; this small window was where the amniotic sac connected to the outside of the liver. Baby Nhlahla was indeed a miracle baby. Most extrauterine (out of the uterus) babies will not survive even just a few weeks. Also though this can be a bleak subject because it is rare that the fetus can survive, it is an exciting topic and paints a picture of one aspect of pregnancy that could go airy for any woman.


Ectopic pregnancy can occur due to a variety of reasons. However, in most cases that have occurred, there is no clear identification of the cause. Ectopic pregnancy can occur due to a variety of reasons. However, in most cases that have occurred, there is no clear identification of the object. Some of the risk factors that may cause an ectopic pregnancy to occur are; fiery pelvic infection, past exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), tubal medical surgery, intrauterine medical procedure,  and tubal ligation (Bhagyashree, 2020).

Tube Damage

Tube damage is one of the most common causes of ectopic pregnancy. At the point when the inseminated egg gets connected to the fallopian tube, it prompts tubal pregnancy (Du et al. 2016).  In the fallopian tube, there are hair-like cilia whose primary purpose is to transport the fertilized egg top the uterus where it gets fertilized. In several cases of ectopic pregnancy, there is always an observation of the reduction of the number of fallopian cilia, leading to a hypothesis that damage fallopian cilia might be one of the causes of ectopic pregnancies.  Tubal pregnancy has shown consistency in women who smoke.  Smoking in women poses a threat to the fallopian cilia.  The harm in cilia builds the time require for the treated egg to arrive at the uterus hence driving its connection in the fallopian tube (Du et al. 2016). The egg will bring forth from the non-cement zona pellucida and lead to implantation of the prepared egg inside the fallopian tube, prompting ectopic pregnancy.

Tubal ligation

Tubal litigation can lead to ectopic pregnancy. When the tubal sterilization is reversed, it can cause a risk for ectopic pregnancy. Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization, whereby the women’s fallopian tube is blocked or permanently removed (Tak, 2019). The chances increased when women chose a more destructive procedure such as tubal cautery or partial removal of the tube other than safer surgery such as tubal clipping. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases the occurrence to about 11%.  Removal of the affected tube does not assure that the phenomenon will occur, even though it appears to be healthy. Ultrasound will be the best way to detect such pregnancy (Tak, 2019).

Pelvic Seditious Disease (PID)

Odds of an event of ectopic gravidity increment in ladies who experience the ill effects of pelvic incendiary sickness (PID) is high.PID usually occurs in the fallopian tube leading to the development of wounds. When the wound heals to form scars tissues. With scar tissues in the fallopian tube, the tubal cilia will not develop; therefore, there would be no means for the fertilized egg to be transported to the uterus (Tak, 2019). Also, when the scar tissue increases, they can block the fallopian tube, which will prevent the fertilized egg from moving the uterus, thus leading to ectopic pregnancy. If the scars completely blocked the fallopian tube, there will be neither occurrence of the ectopic pregnancy nor normal pregnancy.


Symptoms such as abdominal pain, spotting, bleeding, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and low blood pressure on pregnant women can be a good indication of an ectopic pregnancy (Du et al. 2016).  To fully confirm the problem, several tests are conducted on the patient. Such a diagnosis includes a blood test, which is meant to confirm the level of her hormones. Also, ultrasound could be used to detect where the fetus is developing.


Treatment of ectopic pregnancy depends on its severity.  However, the sad truth is that the treatment of the pregnancy will not lead to the development of the fetus (Bhagyashree, 2020).  The only treatment that assures mothers survival is the termination of the pregnancy. This procedure is known as therapeutic abortion. Also, the mother can be injected with a drug known as methotrexate or surgical removal of the fetus.




Du, T., Fan, Y., Chen, Q., Lyu, Q., & Kuang, Y. (2016). Recurrence risk of ectopic pregnancy is not increased for patients with previous ectopic pregnancy compared with those without previous ectopic pregnancy in frozen blastocyst transfer cycles: a study based on more than 30,000 cycles. Fertility And Sterility106(3), e24-e25. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.07.082

Bhagyashree, D. (2020). A Case of Heterotopic Pregnancy- Right Cornual Ruptured Ectopic with Non-Viable Intrauterine Pregnancy. Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research08(04). doi: 10.18535/jmscr/v8i4.33

Tak, P. (2019). A Clinical Study on Ectopic Pregnancy. Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research7(12). doi: 10.18535/jmscr/v7i12.24

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