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Job satisfaction in many firms

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Job satisfaction in many firms



In recent times, there has been a rise in concern about Job satisfaction in many firms, mainly because it is perceived to have a significant impact on organization performance. (Bakotić, 2016).UAE (United Arab Emirates) consists of a large population (85%) of expatriate workers (AlMazrouei & Pech, 2015). As UAE embarks on developing international influence, it attracts an immense number of expatriate workers to participate in the achievement of what the leadership of the Emirates sees as the vision of the country’s future. By using oil, which is the most significant asset of the country, the UAE is set to invest in its construction, tourism, and also various industries. This aids in enlarging the portfolio revenue resources.

Furthermore, UAE has been gradually experiencing a boom in its economy and rapid growth, which has been widely noticed through the state of the art building in the cities compared to then no(Agwa & Salem, 2015). Expatriate workers are people Living in foreign nations for a short term or long term but mainly for work reasons. They are migrant workers who have professional skills (McNulty & Brewster, 2017). On the other hand, job satisfaction is a state where workers can enjoy their responsibilities (Subeh, 2017). Job satisfaction occurs when an employee feels satisfied with fulfilling the goal of the organization. Workers who are happy with their workplaces are productive in their work (Singh, 2012). This research will be based on the finding that shows a correlation between job satisfaction and personal development and organizational development, such as increased employees’ health, altitude, and decrease in the rated employee leave a workforce, increase in productivity, improved customer relations within the organization. In this context, we shall examine how Motivational, work environment, job characteristics, and organizational participation influence job satisfaction in the UAE among the expatriate.



About the above discussion, this paper will be studying how motivation, job characteristics, job environment, and organization participation relates to job satisfaction of expatriates in the UAE. The research will show how involved participants have a principal role to play to achieve the goals of the organization while putting into consideration the job satisfaction of employees.


Motivation is a process where certain behaviors set by a person will dictate the outcome of their decision. Human resource is the most important and valuable asset of a company (Danish & Usman, 2010). Organizations may use incentive systems such as pay for performance, reward performance, which has vast motivational effects on the employees. (Stringer & Theivananthampillai, 2011). The primary aim of incentives is to improve extrinsic motivation by fulfilling the employee’s needs. According to agency theory, stimuli that are held to bring out the extrinsic motivation among employees were found to be necessary; in addition to that, expectancy theory states that incentives motivate employees toward achieving the organization goal through increased efforts and overall performance. Employees can also be motivated through Recognition. It helps in bringing out employees’ intrinsic motivation to perform well in your designated position without expecting any reward; Recognition can encourage employees to achieve their goals without necessarily being compensated. Top management should play a significant role in improving the employee’s environment. They should feel their work is worthy and is adding value to the organization. Personal progress is vital in any employee’s development. Also, a contribution to the overall development of the organization .employees ought to be given opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge .promotion in job ranking motivates the employee. An individual who opts to seek employment in the UAE as opposed to his own country is mostly driven by excellent remuneration and better compensation (hazem& Ibrahim 2015). A study by Allison Simmond(2018), termed UAE as `a highly –paid ex-pat haven.`

Many organizations underestimate the significance of the working environment for employees; hence there are faced with a lot of challenges. Most of the organization set standards that should be met by employees that ensure quality work, therefore the organization should allow them to work freely without issues that may limit them from performing to their full potential (Raziq,& Maulabakhsh,2015). The job environment consists of various factors such as the safety of employees, job security relations with co-workers, and company culture. Discrimination based on sex, race, own opinions, and values. Men and women should be treated equally among the employees; a person’s race should not be a factor in making any decision within the working atmosphere. We live in a world where different beliefs and cultures exist. Therefore there should be the aspect of respecting the different beliefs among the people working together.

According to Singh, support among workers is a factor that may affect job satisfaction between working mates. People’s social relationships can become a source of affliction, but when there are excellent communication and social support, the negative impact decline. However, when there is tension among the working parties, the relationships result in disagreement and arguments. Lack of support from a workmate, management, or administration of the organization, can lead to such situations. (Hombrados & Cosano, 2013). The interaction with the immediate supervisor among the employee will enhance job satisfaction. In this case, expatriates ought to freely interact with domestic peers to learn about the host values, believes and cultural setup this can help

build a relationship; hence tension may be eased, and this will yield a positive outcome.

Organizational culture –every firm has a culture they have adopted in dealing with various situations such as how employees should dress, values, policies, room for creativity, how to manage disagreements among employees and communication. Organizational culture should be flexible to accommodate as many people as possible this is more important for the expatriate, especially in the UAE. Women in UAE culture dress in a certain way, which is not a norm for most expatriates. Such cultures should not be imposed on others who come from a different culture; otherwise, if that is not observed, such employees may lose motivation hence low job satisfaction. Expatriate leaders in the UAE discovered that when they learn and use the local Arabic language, they become more productive. many local Arabs are not conversant with the English language and often rely on interpretation. Therefore it is essential to fix that gap and provide room and resources for expatriates to learn the local language. (Hanan& Richard 2015).

In recent times the workforce has gained understanding, skills, and awareness through experience hence expecting effectiveness and values in their work; on the other hand, firms want to make use of their knowledge and expertise to the fullest to maximize their outcome. When employees are committed to the organization, they have a great devotion and readiness to perform exemplary and attain the organizational goals. (suleiman&muhammad 2011). Committed employees enjoy such benefits as job security. Employers will only guarantee job security when an employee is productive and loyal. Lack of commitment among employees will result in high turnover. There will be no trust between the parties, and the employee will live with uncertainty this in return will lead to the negative impact on the performance of the individual and organization, when one is committed to the organization they feel value for their work. Commitment results to creativity, going the extra mile, which will yield positive results .leadership concept has a crucial role in creating an environment that motivates workers. According to (Verda, 2012), employee behavior will be affected by how they interpreted results, visibility behavior, and their interest in possessing the work. Leadership system must ensure that jobs are well planned and designed in line with the task to perform, who to report to, standards of the output, a person with clear and in-depth knowledge of this will led to fulfillment,motivation, and organizational commitment. Leadership should ensure proper guideline is put into place to enable appropriate time management. In this case, both the parties have a role to play, but employees’ organization commitment is dependent on the environment the leadership has created. Although expatriates should be committed, loyal, and devoted, .the organization leadership should step in and create a favorable working environment.

The Job Characteristics Model is a tool that enables one to understand how the attributes of a person’s job contribute to their motivation to perform that job or improve employee performance and job satisfaction.

The job satisfaction of expatriates in the UAE directly relates to their job characteristics. Learn that when an employee is satisfied with contextual factors, mainly their manager, their colleagues, their pay and benefits, and job security, then they are more likely to respond positively to the challenges of their role, perform to a high level, and be satisfied by their position.

The characteristic job model depicts that if a job has a particular characteristic, then the individual assigned for the duty will have a self-motivated impact when they have positive feedback; they will continually perform up to the expectation. Hackman and Oldham job characteristic model are the most popular today (Martin Luenendonk2017, it states that the model consists of three factors job characteristic, work outcome, and three psychological states. Job characteristics such as job variety, job Skill variety, job identity, job significance autonomy feedback is a job characteristic in which the job requires many skills in order accomplish the task such a situation will not be monotonous compared with a job with limited skills this build s motivation and increased productivity,due to advancement of UAE in technology ,industrialization and economy, expatriates are motivated to seek such positions especially for the developing countries who do not enjoy such privileges. The flexibility of a job to be performed based on employee preferences would adversely have a significant impact on the performance .there is an excellent relationship between job autonomy job satisfaction and job performance (Saragih, 2015).


Hypothesis development


H1: motivation through compensation and Recognition are correlated positively and significantly with work satisfaction.

There is a relationship between rewards and job satisfaction and reward and motivation. When employees are well compensated, there is an improvement in job satisfaction; in addition, motivation was impacted by incentives, which has a positive relation to job satisfaction.

(ehanzeb, Rasheed & Rasheed,2012).

H2: favourable working environment factors are significant to work satisfaction.

H3: Organizational commitment by the employee through effective leadership is positively correlated to work satisfaction.

H4: work characteristic is correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction































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