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ME 407 Lab 5. Torsional Dynamic System, System Parameter Identification and Control

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ME 407

Lab 5. Torsional Dynamic System,

System Parameter Identification and Control




Report submission date:  April 21, 2020









The purpose of the experiment involves the understanding of both the Torsional plant (Model 205) and PID controller concepts that are applicable in the 2nd order system for the identification of various parameters. Obtaining the values of Torsional stiffness (K), the inertia of disk J, and damping coefficient C are also the objectives of the experiment.

When the experiment was started, the plant configuration was set appropriately. We assemble 500g masses on both disks the one above and below, and a length of 9cm was considered between the line and the center of the shaft. Control Algorithm and made Ts be 0.00442 after turning on the controller. The size 0 was obtained after commanding the functioning of the setup, and it took 400ms and a single repetition. The setup data acquisition was activated, followed by the selection of Encoder 1 and 3. We also set the utility to zero out count.

The manual disk displacement is the approach in obtaining a response. We then selected the activation option that is expected to release the disk in a second. The next step is to plot the data, and the plotting steps are followed and finally clicking on the plot option resulting in the data plot. Disk 3 with mass is used in saving the data and later transferred to the Matlab for representation in the form of a graph. The graph is then used in obtaining the values of t0, tn, and the amplitude  and amplitude . The graph also makes it possible to get an oscillation period and both the natural and damping frequency.

The repeated process is then conducted by removing the masses on the upper disks, and the previous procedures are followed. Drive 3 that has no mass is used for saving data for the calculation of all the possible values.

After the above process, repetition of the procedure with the objective of doing the disk #1 requires the replacement of Encoder 3 with Encoder 1, and the saving of data is done in both disks (with mass and without mass).  The other procedures are then followed as the one above.













The goal of the experiment was attained, which is the application of the Torsional plant Model 205 in the identification of multiple parameters of a 2nd order system. The responses were obtained for both disks 1 and disk 3 with and without masses using the Torsional plant device, then the result was compared with the Simulink model based on equation (1) in the lab-handout. The outcome from the experiment was expected to provide the value of damping coefficient (C) for both disks, tension stiffness (K), and also the inertia of disk J for their application in the Simulink model. The obtained results indicated that the mass disk had a higher damping ratio. The frequency also portrayed differences for the Simulink model and the manual experimental response. Finally, the experiment was comprehensive for enlightenment and understanding of the Torsional plant model and also gaining skills and knowledge on analysis. The skill of using Matlab in data representation and plotting improved. I gained more knowledge on the relationship of concepts, including the damping coefficient and moment of inertia.


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