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English Course Analysis

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English Course Analysis

Taking an English class during my time in college is significant for my crucial instructions on different fields, regardless of the career I chose, I must be able to communicate, read, and write words. Later on in the future, when I will be looking for jobs, the organizations will base their interest and decisions on my ability to raise opinions and express ideas incorrect and sophisticated manner. Therefore, my advanced skills and knowledge will increase my job opportunities and success.

English classes require a significant amount of dedication and practice, and this has made many students avoid taking classes. However, this decreases the ability of students to express critique and analyze different ideas needed in the organizations. Personally, taking English classes have advanced my communication skills. As a result, I can effectively communicate with diverse groups of people, make the right decisions, and give out my opinion when in group discussions. The confidence has gained in the English class will allow me to lead a group of people and know the possible ways of communicating with a different group of employees.

The differences in idioms and grammar would make my writing sound clumsy and confusing. However, this might affect my performance as a professional employee. Since the sloppy and mediocre writing will reflect on the poor vocabulary, someone has, in the English class, am learning to improve in my grammar and my vocabulary by frequent reading since it helps by exposing me to new English words, style techniques, structures and sentences which will help me in my future assignments and report, formal letter writing.

During the last semester, I learned how to work on my weaknesses and be focused on strengths. I will use my transition skills, paragraph structure, and organization skills to keep high-quality writing and communication. As a result, this will be helpful to me in the future and to assure the excellent grade when I will be taking ENGL1213 during the summer. However, even though some students avoid English classes, I see them very useful since knowing my weakness gives me the best opportunities to work on them and make them strengths.



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