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Applying Respectful Pluralism at Work

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Applying Respectful Pluralism at Work

People experience different challenges in the workplace. The problems might be as a result of culture and believes and times they may be work-based or professional. The freedom of worship has contributed to the emergent of different religions. This paper focuses on the ethical challenge and how the principle of religious pluralism can be applied to the problem.

Religious diversity has dramatically affected the leadership within the workplace. Different workers happen to have different religious believes. Religious diversity affects the performance in the workplace because the differing beliefs contribute to the workers having various engagements. The different commitments result in a crush with the leadership, especially between workers differing in religion.

The principle of respecting and treating people with dignity will always help in solving any form of religious diversity at the workplace. Respect will ensure that the leader does not suppress the spiritual practices of the worker, and the worker will feel more appreciated. The leader will ensure that all the religions are given the same positions. The leader will be able to recognize that all people suffer, and they need God. It will give the leader the urge to allow the workers to have their religion upheld.

To conclude, the diversity of religion has affected performance in the workplace. Some people feel that their religion is suppressed and opt for other means of earning a livelihood. Notably, religious diversity will always exist. Everyone must ensure that religion is not used as a means of division or identification but as a way of preventing immoral acts and defining moral actions.



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