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Experiential exercise for organizational behavior questions

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Experiential exercise for organizational behavior questions


In ranking the experimental exercise’s importance and satisfaction ranks, I considered several aspects. First, I examined my personality. In so doing, I was able to give the parameters that favored my personality traits higher ranking as compared to those that did not achieve similar results. Moreover, I also considered the desires of my family and my inborn desire to build a legacy. Consequently, therefore, this indicates that need theories, expectancy models, and cognitive evaluation concepts formed the conceptual foundations upon which my decisions originated.

Out of my ranking, I realized that working independently, job security, regular hours, and working close to home attracted optimum satisfaction for me. That is because all the satisfaction parameters mentioned above compliment the fact my job is a means by which my family should achieve its desires.


If I were serving as a communication expert, I would have the following recommendation for the manager since I consider him defensive. First, I would advise him to be liberal. By this, I mean that he should be able to feel the views of his subordinates. Second, I would also recommend that he demonstrates empathy by respecting the privacy of the employees working under him. That means he should avoid criticizing employees before the others. Lastly, I also would recommend that the manager should always grant employees opportunities to explain their course of action whenever they make mistakes.

Based on part two of section two, I would recommend several precautionary acts since the manager treats his subordinates compassionately. To start with, I would recommend a firm attitude to eliminate the likelihood of some employees taking advantage of the manager’s friendliness.  Similarly, the manager should also consider following closely issues that are critical to the performance of the organization unless they have assigned them to people whose competence they have confidence.

Using the factors that foster ethical dialogue from Figure 9.3, what changes would you propose in your communications with your manager?

Based on the factors that promote ethical dialogue, I feel I should politely communicate with the manager. Also, I should be able to listen before responding. That means I should be ready to embrace turn-taking. Besides, I should also be able to speak without fear rather than keep quiet and begin criticizing the manager’s ideas in his absence.


In light of the numbered scale highlighted in the reference text, I would heartily agree with the fact that I always volunteer to lead the rest. Similarly, I can influence other members’ decisions, I ask questions, and I often find myself at the center stage of the group. Besides, I also agree with the fact that I am always one of those vocal members of the group. As a result, the members always seek my opinion on pressing issues, in most cases, my ideas qualify to be implemented, and lastly, I volunteer my thoughts without hesitation. Finally, I strongly disagree with the fact that I jump right into whichever conflict members are handling.

Therefore, in light of the points scored from the ranking presented above, it is evident that I fall under the segment that represents the individual that holds high power since my characteristics can indicate the enormous magnitude of influence and visibility that cannot be ignored. Precisely, I may fall at the point where 60 points worth of control intersects with 60 points worth of visibility.

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