Final Paper Proposal
Technology has extensively grown throughout the years and has the whole world-affirming to the new ways it has brought with it. Technological advancements in the various fields have seen a new era in the world and tremendous growth in the multiple systems of the world and the daily lives of human beings (Jasanoff 2016). For instance, the field of sound has witnessed spontaneous inventions which have enhanced the transmission of sound waves. Such designs have utilized previous technology for the benefit of the people in these changing times. Series of inconsistency and poor outcomes in skin cleansing gave a push to the invention of the sonic skincare toothbrush, which applies the sonic technology.
Object or Phenomenon
What is the sonic technology or phenomenon that you will study? What is interesting about it? What is at stake? Why is it important to you?
Sonic technology is the application of sound which oscillates at high vibration speed. The sonic technology applies in various fields. With sonic technology, sonic toothbrushes have been invented (McGarry et al. 239). The sonic toothbrush vibrates at a very high speed per the sonic technology hence extraordinary merit since it can clean teeth in two ways. The second method apart from the primary one is that the sonic toothbrushes aid to upset dental plaque beyond where the tips of the bristles can touch. The most exciting thing about sonic technology is that unlike other forms of technological advancements, here, originality is key. The sonic technology has managed to enhance hearing, but the sound is still natural. The products from the sonic technology equip the users with impeccable listening experiences in varied circumstances. However, with sonic technology, there is a lot at stake. The world’s superpowers; Russia, China and America, are in a heated up race in the production of hypersonic missiles which are life-threatening (Thakur 2015). With the continuous production of these weapons, there is loss of lives, and some more lives threatened. Acquisition of extensive knowledge is of considerable significance to me since through the improvement of sound-based products which have seemingly improved hearing capabilities, especially in the musical world.
Cultural Context
When and where is your phenomenon located? Who uses it or participates in it? What sounds, technologies, ways of hearing and listening, practices; individuals, and/or institutions are involved? What ideologies influence or are perpetuated by this phenomenon (consumerism, gender, race, sexual orientation, religious values, nationalism, capitalism, militarism, pacifism, traditions, progress, individualism, collectivism, etc.)?
The sonic technology came into existence since the latter years of the 20th century and has since been known by a family in the California Hills. It is situated in the twin cities, Nevada and Grass Valley and has the sole purpose of serving all its customers globally. Over the past few decades, phonic cleaning applications in numerous industries use sonic technology. Consequently, Sonicare has introduced toothbrushes which apply the sonic technology to enhance the cleaning procedure of human teeth. The new sonic toothbrush has proven to be effective in the disruption of dental plaque (Digel 2020). The people who benefit from this technology are the consumers of the products designed from the sonic technology. Moreover, individual sounds are involved in the usage of other sonic products. For instance, the sonic weapons produced associate with ultrasonic and infrasonic, which are inaudible which utilize the sound to inflict pain and injury on the victims.
The sonic technologies inspire the rise of gamers and hence profound computer developments. The application of sonic technology invents popular games (Aaron 2016). The sonic technology applies the speed variable processing, which imitates the ear’s analysis and adjustments to sounds. With this, mode of hearing, the sound’s originality is maintained, and there is clarity in speech. Therefore, the sound delivered to the audience is clear and natural. Also, sonic technology involves several sound practices. Interaction design and music computing intersect to produce a sonic interaction design. Interaction design incorporates designing objects used by people who are, in turn, facilitated through computational means. The mission of sonic technology is to link people globally with the audio and visual world through videos, data and voices. Therefore, the sonic technology is incorporative of diverse people of the world inclusive of military personnel. The fundamental ideologies which influence sonic technology are the issue of race and racialization based on listening, which dates back to many decades ago and the American perspective.
Class Concepts
What class readings will you interpret this object or phenomenon? Explain
Extensively participating in reading books such as ‘Sonic Persuasion’ which critically scrutinizes a wide range of sounds on recordings both musically and vocally is of considerable significance in my comprehension of Sonic Technology. The knowledge acquired from such resource materials will equip me with great ideas in the world of sonics. I will also be able to understand the manner in which such sounds apply in persuasion.
Outside Sources
List at least five primary and secondary sources that may help you understand your topic and make an argument about it. There should be scholarly books and articles on your list, as well as journalistic writing and other sources. URLs are not citations–use Chicago, MLA, APA, or the scholarly reference format of your choice.
Clayton, Jace. 2016. Uproot: Travels in 21st Century Music and Digital Culture, 169-198. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Hagood, Mack and Travis Vogan. 2016. “The Twelfth Man: Crowd Noise in the Contemporary National Football.League.” Popular Communication Volume 14:1.
Kumanyika, Chenjerai. 2015. “Vocal Color in Public Radio.” Transom: A Showcase and Chion, Michel, Claudia Gorbman, and Walter Murch. 1994. Audio-Vision : Sound on Screen. New York: Columbia University Press.
Workshop for New Public Radio. January 22.
Mills, Mara. “Do Signals Have Politics? Inscribing Abilities in Cochlear Implants.” In The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies, ed. Trevor Pinch and Karin Bijsterveld (Oxford University Press, 2011), 320-346.
Westerkamp, Hildegard. 2006. “Soundwalking as Ecological Practice.”
Every source of information, whether primary or secondary, is bound to have weaknesses. However, the most important thing in learning is to be able to acquire the knowledge obtained from such materials which will expound my knowledge on sonic technology.
In your final paper, you will need to have a main claim and an argument that supports it. At this point you may not know exactly what it will be, but take a shot at describing one
However much the rise of sonic technology poses a significant threat to human life, due to the invention of hypersonic missiles, the tremendous merits it brings along with it can never be left unnoticed. The sonic technology should, therefore, be embraced globally by all since its positive impacts on hearing and other scientific inventions such as sonic toothbrushes are quite beneficial to human existence. The benefits in the gaming industry will continue receiving good ratings as the advancements continue to bear fruits.
Works Cited
Jasanoff, S. (2016). The ethics of invention: technology and the human future. WW Norton & Company.
McGarry, Rory Frederick Wellington, Fritz Schubert, and Wolfgang Stegmann. “Electric toothbrush.” U.S. Patent Application No. 29/507,239.
Thakur, Ramesh. Nuclear weapons and international security: Collected essays. Routledge, 2015.
Digel, Ilya, et al. “Dental Plaque Removal by Ultrasonic Toothbrushes.” Dentistry Journal 8.1 (2020): 28.
Aaron, Samuel, Alan F. Blackwell, and Pamela Burnard. “The development of Sonic Pi and its use in educational partnerships: Co-creating pedagogies for learning computer programming.” Journal of Music, Technology & Education 9.1 (2016): 75-94.