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Leadership Examples

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Leadership Examples

The world we live n today has several examples of different managers that employ different techniques in businesses. The choice of management style varies depending on the organization or industry. Analysis of various leadership styles shows the different variations that exist in the world. A look at Starbuck’s leadership styles shows the application of transformational leadership in the real world.

Starbucks employs transformational leadership using four main avenues. The administration depends on influence as a primary pillar in the organization (Lemus et al. .25). Idealized influence makes it easy for the leader to influence his employees. The use of personal traits such as charisma makes it easy for employees to adapt to change. Furthermore, the leader also employs inspirational motivation as a core aspect of motivating his employees. The leadership at Starbucks also challenges the employees intellectually by pushing them to solve solutions. Providing a challenge to employees makes them work harder and strive to become excellent problem solvers. Howard Schultz has embraced diversity in individuals’ skills as a fundamental aspect of an organization (Lemus et al. 34). The outlook makes it possible for the leadership to match employees to their skill set. Lastly, the administration uses goals and objectives as a means of motivating employees to work even harder. Devising specific paths to reach the goals makes the objectives seem attainable.

Overall, the leadership style at Starbucks has enabled the company to proliferate. Employees enjoy working at the company due to the various activities that the leadership has developed. Transformational leadership provides employees with a chance to put their skills to the test. The leadership traits of their leaders and the motivation that they provide push employees to guarantee the success of the organization.



Work Cited

Lemus, Edel, et al. “Starbucks Corporation: Leading Innovation in the 21st Century.” Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 7.1 (2015): 23-38.

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