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Woody Woodpecker is an extinct bird species that live in a tree found at the Pacific Northwest Wilderness. Woodie pecker feels frustrated when Lance Walters, a big oil lawyer from Seattle plots on destroying the rural setting of the deserted place in an attempt to come up with a modern house that Lance would want to sell after completion to make a fortune. Lance had received the piece of land from his land that he inherited from his grandfather. The woodpecker known as Woody is annoyed that Lance is encroaching on his property and woody is worried that Lance, his son, and his fiancé might make the forest their permanent residence. The themes that have been postulated in Woody woodpecker film are vengeance, bravery, forgiveness, betrayal, greed, happiness, humor, love, and sacrifice, selfishness and ignorance

Firstly, lance shows that he is very ignorant since he asserts that the conservation of wildlife is unprofitable. Lance loses his job as an established and well-known lawyer due to the video that goes viral. The video brings about a heated debate by the public. Lance is fired despite his reputation and hard work. Moreover, lances derogatory statements about wildlife show that people should be keen on the statements they make in public since some matters might not augur well with other people’s thoughts and views on various issues. Additionally, Lance’s arrogant traits are evident when he is willing to pay poachers to take woody away despite the laws that have been set in place to protect the extinct species from danger or harm. He is willing to pay a ransom to get rid of woody.

Secondly, the theme of selfishness and vengeance had been brought out by the fact that Lance is not willing to spend time with his son Tommy even after his ex-wife Linda explains to lance that she needs lance to take care of their son Tommy for a while since Linda wanted to pay his sick father a visit who resides at Philadelphia. Lance is not happy with the idea of spending time with Tommy. Tommy seems to be fully aware that his father does not like spending quality time with him and he feels awful spending time with Lance. Additionally, Vanessa appears to be very selfish since she greatly disapproves of living in the forest and she fancies herself living in a posh hotel. Additionally, Vanessa leaves lance after woody blows up the RV an action that leads Vanessa to break up with Lance. Woody, comforts Lance stating that he had done Lance a favor by getting rid of Vanessa since Woody believes that Vanessa cannot make an ideal wife. Moreover, Woody Woodpecker is selfish in the sense that he is not willing to let Lance encroach on his space even though Lance had been given the piece of land by his grandfather. As a result, woody demands to be given peanut butter crackers in exchange for peaceful co-existence to facilitate Lance’s project(Bleiler & Sarah,56).

Additionally, Woody Woodpecker appears to be greedy, this is evident in the sense that he is not willing to allow Lance to encroach on his land unless lance offers to pay Woody Woodpecker peanut butter crackers every day until he manages to finish his project. Therefore, Woody Woodpecker manages to blackmail Lance since he had succeeded to cause mayhem by the destruction of Lances’ valuable property that had not been fully completed. Woody Woodpecker manages to blow up Vanessa in the RV, he additionally causes chaos at the site where the project had been occasioned in a manner that he terms the “woody way”. As a result, small characters always win since woody manages to destroy Lance’s multi-billion investment scheme single-handedly(Forceville,250).

The movie depicts the theme of love and sacrifice. Tommy and his friends risk their lives in an attempt to save Woody who was trapped by poachers. Woody was on the verge of getting stuffed when Tommy and his friends try to rescue woody. Tommy and his friends are caged by the animal poachers who try to sell Woody to the highest bidder. Moreover, woody conveys love when he successfully rescues Tommy from getting bullied. Additionally, woody can chase the two poachers who had kidnapped him, Woody successfully arraigns the two poachers to the police officer. Moreover, the theme of love and sacrifice is conveyed when Linda sacrifices by leaving her son Tommy with his father even though Linda knows that Lance is a terrible father to visit her father in Philadelphia. Additionally, Woody shows love and sacrifice when he discovers that Lyle, the drummer in Tommy’s band could not play the drums due to indigestion issues. Therefore, Woody Woodpecker plays the drums in place of Lyle in an attempt to save the band from embarrassment(Ginseng & Anna, 52).

The theme of forgiveness has been construed in the film because Lance can reconcile their differences with Woody Woodpecker even though Woody had successfully managed to destroy Lance’s multibillion housing project. What is more, Woody made Lance undergo a terrible break up with his Fiancée Vanessa. Additionally, Tommy forgives Woody for setting his father’s multibillion house ablaze. Moreover, Tommy and his father Lance can reconcile their differences after the trip to the forest. They develop a strong father-son relationship(Low, 197).


Lastly, the theme of happiness has been construed in the Film in the sense that Lance falls in love with Vanessa. Moreover, Woody and Tommy get along, they are great friends and they are determined to help each other out in various situations. Moreover, Woody Woodpecker being a pileated woodpecker known as the god of mischief and chaos. He can bring happiness and reconciliation in the life of Tommy and his father Lance by mending the broken father and son relationship that existed between Tommy and Lance. Additionally, Woody can get rid of Vanessa who was wicked towards Tommy and Woody. Woody manages to expose Vanessa’s selfish and egoistic traits by creating chaos and mayhem in an attempt to chase her away (Van Pelt, 200).


In conclusion, the Woody Woodpecker is a film that teaches the essence of love and sacrifice. Many characters in the film are willing to go out of their way in an attempt to procure a noble cause. Additionally, the film has brought about the essence of forgiveness and peaceful co-existence with mother nature. Moreover, the film shows strong support of animal love and care, through laying emphasis on the importance of caring and looking after animals since they are part of the ecosystem. Therefore, people should not destroy forests since deforestation might lead to the destruction of endangered species that need to be protected.










Work Cited

Bleiler-Baxter, Sarah K., et al. “Modeling as a decision-making process.” Teaching Children Mathematics 24.1 (2017): 20-28.

Forceville, Charles J. “13 From Image Schema to Metaphor in Discourse: The force Schemas in Animation Films.” Metaphor: Embodied cognition and discourse (2017): 239.


Giesen, Rolf, and Anna Khan. “Famous Cartoon Animals.” Acting and Character Animation. CRC Press, 2017. 49-54.

Low, Denise. “Woody Woodpecker, aka Pileated.” The Midwest Quarterly 58.2 (2017): 197.

van Pelt, Michel. “Mars expeditions.” Dream Missions. Springer, Cham, 2017. 173-203.



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