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Clinical System.

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Clinical System.

Clinical systems are set to improve the care of patients in hospitals. The system helps physicians in the diagnosis of diseases through several laboratory tests. A lot of computer competence must be demonstrated by nurses to ensure that they handle patients safely. Quality Information Technology is made to bring together the significant difference between health and mental health care for patients. Nurse educators are not prepared to teach nurses about information Technology; therefore, most of them remain uneducated. With all this technology illiteracy, it isn’t elementary for them to manage clinical systems. Students who are exposed to Information Technology are enlightened on how to use clinical systems.

The level of uncertainty has reduced in clinical practices due to advanced medical care. There are guidelines for clinical practices that set out research findings that bring a good recommendation for health services. Application and adoption of Information Technology is really important to build healthcare systems and be able to take care of patients in coming future. Several factors promote the adoption of clinical operations. There are CPG characteristics that influence the extent to which implementations can be done in hospitals.

There are different incorporation and clinical care algorithm that has got automated decisions that support the systems. There are communications strategies that are put into place to influence adoption of CPGs. Through education and mass media, patients and nurses also get awareness on clinical issues. Printed education materials are the most common forms of communication guidelines through different dissemination. Education creates more interaction between the nurses and the patients. A respected source of influence is the leader’s opinions. The opinions of leaders help in amending the projects in health organizations.


Hogan, M. A., Low, M., Przybylowicz, T., & Vacek, J. (2019). Mental health nursing. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.


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