Discussion and Post
The collaboration of teachers in the learning environment is essential as it has a positive cumulative effect on the learners, thus contributing to the learners’ success. Given that different teachers have various teaching methods approaches, collaboration helps the teachers to come up with a common teaching approach that all the learners can benefit from. Through the prescribed RTI, it is possible to enhance the full collaboration of teachers and the staff though strategies such as;
- Introduction of professional quality development measures for teachers and members of staff. By ensuring that the teachers can meet the outlined professional quality development measures outlined, quality teaching methods will be facilitated. This will be achieved through adherence to the prescribed RTI.
- Regular meetings and discussions among the members of the RTI. The sessions will help in fostering collaboration among the stakeholders through sharing of ideologies and teaching approaches between the teachers and other members of staff serving as facilitators of the learning process.
Response 1
I agree with your post and strongly agree that there is a necessity to enhance collaboration between teachers and the staff. Based on the findings you have presented, there are various benefits that could get attributed to the collaborative teaching approach. For instance, the students will be in a position to get the best out of the exercise as they can identify best with various teaching methods strategies in the learning environment. Special education needs teachers are also oriented to benefit from the collaborative teaching approach as they will be able to share professional information pertaining to their students and come up with improved teaching methods.
Response 2
Your point has a visionary approach on the implementation strategies that you would use for the RTI. By working together with the teachers from a broad field such as general education, special needs and other members of staff, important information on student responses to various teaching methods can be obtained. The incorporation of parents in the learning process is expected to further enhance the impact of the above teaching method as the teachers will be able to develop an understanding between the learners’ social environment and the learning environment. This way, it is possible to identify and eliminate any distractors that may have a negative effect on the learners’ experience.
Morin, A. (n.d). Who’s on the RTI Team? Understood. Retrieved from https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/special-services/rti/whos-on-the-rti-team
Retrieved from rtinetwork.org, kickboardforschools.com, and frontlineeducation.com on May 7, 2020.