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Boundaries and Multiple Relationship Issues

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Boundaries and Multiple Relationship Issues

In the “Understanding Professional Boundaries and Ethics: A Practical Model” video, Phillip Hemphill, the Chief Clinical Officer, gives a lecture to therapists regarding professionalism in groups as well as individuals while reinforcing the ethical standards that surround dual and confidentiality relationships (The Farley Center, 2015). Additionally, he talked about the expectation in terms of respecting boundaries as well as the law in daily practices. The discussion of Phillip Hemphill started with “Patient Issues” regarding boundaries and ethics. This is the scenario where the patients place the therapist in a role of a parent, where the patient eroticizes regarding the doctor, implying that the patient has to think about ways of which the therapist can have a wonderful life. The patient possesses a passive-aggressive response, is loyal towards the therapist, whereby the feel being in a sisterhood/ brotherhood relationship.  An example is a patient thinking they are alike. Hemphill moves ahead, informing people about the boundaries in terms of “being attached.” Therapists have to set appropriate and proper boundaries; therapists are experienced as responsive, consistent, and dependable. Therapists have to start working on time as well as if something has to be done, it should be done. Moreover, Hemphill explained, “The Digital Age,” whereby most of the clients prefer online and texting counseling. He considers this to be a slippery slope; the ethical grey zone, as well as permeable boundaries, can be crossed. Hemphill talks about the time taken for a normal consultation. In his notion, an average consultation has to be 8 minutes as well as a therapist normally interrupts the client for 15 seconds in his conversations. Within the discussion, Hemphill provides a case scenario where one is in recovery as well as has been in attendance at the same 12-step meeting within a long time. Recently, patients are observed they have not been attending 12- step meetings; however, the attendance in the past has been noticed to be regularly. The patient does not know he or she is in the recovery process, nor does he not attend any meeting. When such a patient shows up in meetings, it becomes a difficult situation since a person is torn between personal relationships and professional relationships.

Furthermore, the video talks about the experience, comfort, and knowledge. In regards to knowledge, people always have to be refreshed. The comfort aspects arise on how comfortable people are when addressing challenging issues and crossing boundaries (The Farley Center, 2015). With experience, the experience people have concerning everything as well as it can be gained as time movies by. In the end, Hemphill talks about gossip, preparing yourself, hierarchical order, and law. Such aspects fall under ethical principles.

Boundaries vary by the intimacy of the relationship and by an individual. The boundaries may be physical, emotional, and informational. An obvious example is friendship. Generally speaking, that may include a hug or a backslap or holding hands, but touching genitals or breasts or the insides of knees violates a physical boundary, as would a kiss on the lips usually but indeed a tongue kiss. Now, for a traditional person, similar strictures might continue during a period of engagement (Corey et al. 2014). That is what I mean by an individual. Even in a marriage, there can be physical boundaries. I have been married multiple times, and for some, the anus was part of sex, while for others strictly off-limits, a physical boundary in the most intimate of relationships. Emotional boundaries, again depending on the relationship and individual, might put discussions of previous lovers, family suicides or deaths, or absence of children or parents beyond those boundaries. And, in some cases, even the information that would reveal why those subjects are off-limits. Those boundaries must be respected to build trust, which is the only way those boundaries can be breached. Sometimes, the boundaries are permanent even in the most intimate relationships, and individuals must decide if they are a barrier to the minimal level of emotional intimacy required for marriage or friendship.

Respecting each other’s wishes is essential. Simply put, you need to be willing to consider their needs and wishes consistently in a relationship (Corey et al. 2014). There’s a common belief that being in a relationship means you’ll put up with things you don’t like out of love for your partner. That erodes love rather than reinforces it. You can only strengthen your love for each other by showing respect for each other consistently. It means a lot to someone who loves you when you remember little things about them, their preferences, their habits, and things they like to do. Making decisions for each other is how you breach boundaries; even something small, like ordering food without asking what your partner likes, suggests that you consider your preferences more important than theirs. A bigger display of disrespect was speaking for your partner when they didn’t ask you to. A huge one that displays distrust wants to monitor each other’s social media use. The ways you can show each other how much you value each other will come up constantly in daily life. Building trust is how you respect each other’s boundaries. That is why a good relationship is one in which neither partner takes the other for granted.









Corey, G., Corey, M. S., Corey, C., & Callanan, P. (2014). Issues and ethics in the helping professions with 2014 ACA codes. Nelson Education.

The Farley Center, (2015); Understanding Professional Boundaries and Ethics: A practical Model. Youtube


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