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the GCUX: GIAC Certified Unix Security Administrator and GCCC: GIAC Critical Controls Certification

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the GCUX: GIAC Certified Unix Security Administrator and GCCC: GIAC Critical Controls Certification

Most of the cyber security certifications on offer focus on the major areas of the field of information technology such as security, managements, forensics and auditing. The courses on offer aim to equip the graduate with these skills, depending on the choice of the candidate. The courses are pretty-much standalone and can be attained in no particular order, though the importance of the introductory courses is stressed if the learner aims to fully grasp the concepts of the more complex ones.

In the cyber defense field some of the courses on offer include the GCUX: GIAC Certified Unix Security Administrator and GCCC: GIAC Critical Controls Certification among others. The general concept of these certifications is the equipping of the learner with the necessary skills to detect potential threats to the system and eliminate them in the safest way possible (GIAC, n.d). The other field of penetration testing includes courses such as GEVA: GIAC Enterprise Vulnerability Assessor among others that primarily equip the learner with the skills of risk assessment by teaching ethical means of penetrating into a new system, which they can apply to test the vulnerability of a system (GIAC, n.d). The digital forensics field, through courses such as GCFA: GIAC Certified Forensics Analyst, is useful in enabling the learner to carry out investigations on incidents that may occur in the working of a system. (GIAC, n.d)

Out of the several certifications in offer, the GCUX: GIAC Certified Unix Security Administrator is the most suitable for my chosen career path as a Linux system admin. The certification sharpens the learner’s knowledge on both Unix and Linux systems, including forensics on the two and the ways of maintaining security of both systems (GIAC, n.d). This will equip me with knowledge on, not only how to install and operate a Linux system in my position as the administrator, but also how to secure it from external threats.



GIAC. (n.d.). Get Certified: Roadmap. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from GIAC:



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