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Climate change Final Project

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Climate change Final Project


The research is about the effects of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and the necessary policies being implemented by the local government of California to mitigate climate change. It gives informative and comprehensive information on climate change based on current sources. An in-depth explanation of the scoping plan, which was formulated and implemented by the State of California to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emissions, is also analyzed. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the program based on the cost of implementation and enforcement. The political and social challenges are also discussed to determine factors prohibiting the success of the program (Kaatz, and Scott 11). Other vital aspects discussed are estimated carbon reduction of the program and whether the plan is replicable at different government levels.  Effects and evidence of climate change have been presented in details to enhance the reader’s knowledge on the subject. The impact of carbon emission has led to a drastic change in climatic conditions forcing governments to develop appropriate policies to control the condition.

Effects of Carbon emissions

Raising Temperatures.

The immediate change in climate as a result of global warming is felt with rising temperatures. The recording of atmospheric and ocean temperature dates back to 1880, which was the first time in which records on global temperatures were available for the first time in history. Organizations such as NASA have maintained these records from this period up to date. The records show that temperature has risen to more than 1.8 Fahrenheit compared to pre-industrial period by 2015.accordindg to a report by the intergovernmental panel on climate change, the temperature increases considerably from one decade to the next.  The temperatures are likely to rise even higher in the future with increasing industrialization which increased the amount of carbon emission into the is therefore crucial for the government to make necessary amendments on laws regarding climate change.

Raising Sea level

Global warming general leads to a rise in temperatures on the earth surface. The high temperature, in turn, causes glaciers and ice sheets to melting in the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctic.  Warm temperatures also lead the thermal expansion of water, causing arise in sea level as well. The water from the ice is disposed into the sea leading to rising sea level. The estimated rise in sea level is estimated at 8-9 inches which is an equivalent of 21 -24 centimetres since 1880. Areas, along with the US coastline experience high tide to a level of 300% and even 900% higher compared to 50 years ago (Fletcher, 163). This raising frequency high tide occurrence can be explained with the rise in the ocean level that has gradually increased in over the centuries. These statistics show that there are possible higher future increases in sea level with the amount of carbon emission rate.

Low Food production as a result of Famine

Climate change has tremendous effects on the weather conditions. From raising temperatures to heavy rainfall, both of which affect the production of food crops resulting in long periods of drought and famine. In most developing and underdeveloped nation relies on natural precipitation to grown crops. Global warming has hindered the growth of plants due to creation of unfavourable weather patterns. For example, long periods of drought, making it impossible to grow plants. Droughts also led to the death of animals due to lack of water and food. Prolonged and severe droughts are often followed by long heavy rains that destroy lands, making it impossible to grow crops hence low food production. This has dramatically affected human life in the extent of causing mass deaths and destruction of property.

California’s Policy on reducing Climate change

The state of California took the initiative to regulate the amount of carbon emission through an Act established in 2006. The plans and strategies were contained in the scoping policy that was updated in 2013. The purpose of the policy was to control human activities that generate carbon. Beyond breathing which is inevitable human beings engage in activities that emit large amounts of carbon resulting in global warming. The sources of carbon emission, as outlined by the scoping plan and appropriate measures of reducing their effected explained. Some of the rules adopted were the use of low carbon fuel, solar roofing tops and energy efficiency. People were also encouraged to use public transport to reduce the number of vehicles in operation.

The Cost and estimated Carbon emission reduction.

The cost of implementing the scoping plan cannot be estimated quite accurately; however, the benefit can be determined through cost-benefit analysis. The program affected the operation of small scale business in which are the back born of California’s economy. However, the government needed to focus on the overall benefit of the plan to human life survival.  The primary purpose of the program is to reduce carbon emission to the 1990 level by the year 2020. The estimated reduction in carbon emission was, however, to be conducted in the most cost-effective way possible (Fletcher, 169). Additionally, the state of California developed strategies that will enhance the technological feasibility, which included setting targets transport-related carbon emissions, energy efficiency, encouraging clean sources of energy and the development of the California cap-and-trade program.

The Economic and Political factors affecting the Scoping Plan

The scoping plan success has over the years been changed due to the battle of resources and the fight for political influence. The political divide that exists in US politics between the liberals and the conservatives has influenced the production technologies, consumption patterns as well as environmental policies. Over the years, the liberals have been overly opposed to the idea of ecological conservation. They even go further undermine the process of implementation of policies by challenging the seriousness of climate change. Therefore the balance of power among the liberals and the conservatives in a particular state along with economic goals may affect the policy formulation on environmental conservation. For instance, in the state of California, the number of liberals who are in support of environmental policies should be more compared to the conservatives for the politics to be implemented effectively.

Is the Scoping Plan replicable?

The scoping plan will be challenging to apply in other states since it was specifically designed for the state of California. In 2013 the California government officials held a workshop where the public was allowed to gives their review on the program. The project is, therefore, suitable for that particular state due to difference in opinions that may exist in different US states. This means that people from other states may not find the plan suitable. The use of private transport characterizes the state of California compared to states like New York that have the subway and prefer to commuter from one location to another (Zushi, 140). This shows that the amount of carbon emission from transportation is in California is likely to be higher compare to New York; hence the need to encourage a shift from private to public transport.


To gain a complete understanding of climate change, the effects of greenhouse gases are assessed. An outline of the scoping plan aimed at reducing carbon emission is also discussed. Source documents on the impacts of greenhouse emission were used to generate information on the extent of disruption that has so far been caused by carbon emissions. The melting of ice glaciers and ice sheets in the polar region is r evidence of climate change. Low food productions a result of alteration in food production has affected human life in various parts of the world, for instance, African which depends on natural precipitation in production of food and growing of pasture for animals. An evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the scoping plan is conducted to determine its benefit. The political and economic factors that influence the effective implementation of the project were also discussed. Information collected from sources showed that economic and political factors might influence the success of the strategies contained in the scoping plan. From the information gathered. The scoping program has proven to be effective in reducing the amount of carbon emission in the state of California.


















Works Cited

Fletcher, Chip. Climate change: what the science tells us. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

Kaatz, Joe, and Scott Anders. “The role of unspecified power in developing locally relevant greenhouse gas emission factors in California’s electric sector.” The Electricity Journal 29.9 (2016): 1-11.

Zushi, Keiichiro. “Driverless vehicles: Opportunity for further greenhouse gas emission reductions.” Carbon & Climate Law Review (2017): 136-149.





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